

color = #taxobox color|Archaea
name = "Pyrococcus"
domain = Archaea
phylum = Euryarchaeota
classis = Thermococci
ordo = Thermococcales
familia = Thermococcaceae
genus = "Pyrococcus"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "P. abyssi"

* "P. endeavori"

* "P. furiosus"

* "P. glycovorans"

* "P. horikoshii"

* "P. sp. 121"

* "P. sp. 303"

* "P. sp. 304"

* "P. sp. 312"

* "P. sp. 321"

* "P. sp. 322"

* "P. sp. 323"

* "P. sp. 32-4"

* "P. sp. 324"

* "P. sp. 95-12-1"

* "P. sp. AV5"

* "P. sp. Ax99-7"

* "P. sp. EX2"

* "P. sp. Fla95-Pc"

* "P. sp. GB-3A"

* "P. sp. GB-D"

* "P. sp. GI-H"

* "P. sp. GI-J"

* "P. sp. HT3"

* "P. sp. JT1"

* "P. sp. MV1019"

* "P. sp. MV4"

* "P. sp. MV7"

* "P. sp. MZ14"

* "P. sp. MZ4"

* "P. sp. NA2"

* "P. sp. NS102-T"

* "P. sp."

* "P. sp. ST700"

* "P. sp. Tc-2-70"

* "P. sp. V211"

* "P. sp. V212"

* "P. sp. V221"

* "P. sp. V222"

* "P. sp. V231"

* "P. sp. V232"

* "P. sp. V61"

* "P. sp. V62"

* "P. sp. V63"

* "P. sp. V72"

* "P. sp. V73"

* "P. sp. VB112"

* "P. sp. VB113"

* "P. sp. VB81"

* "P. sp. VB82"

* "P. sp. VB83"

* "P. sp. VB85"

* "P. sp. VB86"

* "P. sp. VB93"

* "P. woesei"
synonyms =
* "Pyrococcus Fiala and Stetter 1986"

In taxonomy, "Pyrococcus" is a genus of the Thermococcaceae. [See the NCBI [ webpage on Pyrococcus] . Data extracted from the cite web | url= | title=NCBI taxonomy resources | publisher=National Center for Biotechnology Information | accessdate=2007-03-19]


Further reading

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cientific databases

External links

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