Chronica Jutensis

Chronica Jutensis

Chronica Jutensis (Danish: Jyske Krønike English: Jutland Chronicle) also known as Continuatio compendii Saxonis or Chronica Danorum, is a small Danish historical work from the middle of the 14th century, written in Latin. It comes with a smaller summary edition, about one-fourth the size of the original, of Saxos Gesta Danorum, known as Compendium Saxonis.

The original Manuscript is lost, however it survives in four different handwritten copies, about a hundred years younger. One of them is written by a Monk, from Odense, in 1431.

Chronica Jutensis stories begins approximately where Gesta Danorum ends, in King Canute VI reign, just before King Valdemar II gains the throne, and end with the beginning of King Valdemar Atterdag reign, about 1342.

It is written somewhere around 1342-1350. Since the book does not mention Estonia being sold to the Livonian Order, which happened September 29, 1346, it must be written before this date or shortly after. It would probably not be common knowledge for a few years, so it can be written after 1346.

It is not known who the writer is. It is, however, thought he was from Jutland because Jutland events and persons are thoroughly described and it seems that the writer is confident with both the topography and persons of Jutland.

Latin copies resides in;

  • Danish Royal Library of Copenhagen, Add.. 49 2o (1431)
  • Den Arnamagnæanske Samling, Copenhagen, AM 107 8o (16th century).
  • Riksarkivet, Stockholm, Skokloster 47 4o (15th century).
  • Uppsala University Library, De la Gardie 44 4o (15th century).


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