Dion (Transformers)

Dion (Transformers)
Dion in The Transformers
Sub-group Deluxe Vehicles, Elite Guard, Mini-Vehicles
Function Warehouse Worker, Infantry
Partner Orion Pax, Barrel Roller & Cop-Tur
Motto "Efficiency makes you strong. Speed makes you lethal."
Alternate Modes Cybertronian truck, Cybertronian car, Audi TT
Series Transformers: Generation 1
Transformers: Timelines
English voice actor Corey Burton
Japanese voice actor Ken Shiroyama

Dion is a fictional character from the Transformers series. He is a dock worker from the planet Cybertron and good friend to Orion Pax, who would later become the legendary Autobot leader Optimus Prime.


Transformers: Generation 1

Animated series

Dion is featured in a single episode of the original series. In the episode "War Dawn", the Aerialbots are transported to Cybertron's past by a Decepticon time machine. There they meet a civilian Autobot named Dion along with Orion Pax and Ariel. They all are working at an energy warehouse. At first Orion, Ariel and Dion are fascinated by the Decepticons. Megatron attacks the warehouse and Orion, Ariel and Dion are all gunned down. The Aerialbots take Orion and Ariel to Alpha Trion where they are rebuilt into Optimus Prime and Elita One. Dion's fate, however, is unrevealed.

Dion made a cameo in the pilot of the Transformers Animated series on a historical video being viewed by Optimus Prime. This historical video was stock footage from the original animated series.

Fun Publications

After nearly being killed by Megatron, Dion was rebuilt and joined the Autobot Elite Guard Strike Team under the command of Metalhawk.

The Elite Guard Alpha Team and Strike Team did battle against a horde of ferrovorous bugs in one of Cybertron's city-states. Magnum then ordered the Strike Team to escort the Alpha Team to Space Port Bravo for their next mission. The Strike Team then reported to Magnum and Sentinel Major, who introduced them to the new Elite Guard Special-Ops Team, also called the Combaticons.[1][2][3]

While on patrol Onslaught told Metalhawk the story of how his Elite Guard team captured Thunderwing. Metalhawk then told Onslaught about how his team captured Blue Bacchus. The teams of Elite Guardsmen then came across a Decepticon who was separated from his group. Brawl was able to get the location of a Decepticon base from the captive before he went offline. The Guard teams around the base and were able to kill Shadowcaster, the base's leader. Metalhawk's team reported to Magnum, but the Combaticons stayed to investigate, Onslaught thinking their victory was too easy. They were captured by Decepticons.[4]

Metalhawk and his Strike Team were searching for Decepticons when they ran into a crazy "empty" who ranted about the coming of the "brute". They received a distress signal from Sentinel Major ordering all Elite Guard units to return base. When Metalhawk's team arrived at the base Ricochet told them of a Decepticon attack. Among the attackers are the Combaticions, but when Sentinel Major orders them to surrender, they combine into Bruticus and crush Sentinel Major.[5]

When most of the members of the Autobot Elite Guard confronted Bruticus they were nearly wiped out, with Bruticus killing most of the Guard. Dion was able to blind Bruticus, forcing it to separate into the Combaticons, but the Combaticons finished off most of the remaining Guard, including Metalhawk, who was killed by Onslaught. This left only Dion alive, buried in the rubble, and Thunderclash's team, which was off planet at the time.[6]

Ratchet oversaw the repair of Dion after he was injured battling the Combaticons.[7]

Dion is among the Autobots present when Megatron attacks Iacon with his new weapon, Devastator.[8]


ehobby Generation 1 Dion toy
  • Generation 1 Mini-Vehicle Dion
A toy of Dion was released in Japan as an ehobby redeco of the Autobot Wheelie. He was sold with a figure of Orion Pax, who himself was a recolor of Kup.[9]
Timelines Deluxe Dion toy
  • Timelines Deluxe Dion with Cop-Tur (2010)
A redeco of Universe Armada Series Hot Shot. This toy is the 2010 Transformers Collectors Club membership exclusive.[10]


  1. ^ Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair (w), Dan Khanna (p), Frank Milkovich (i), Thomas Deer (col), Jesse Wittenrich (let), Pete Sinclair (ed). "The Coming Storm: Part 2" The Transformers Collectors Club 32 (April/May 2010), Fun Publications
  2. ^ http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/transformers-collectors-club-2010-comic-the-coming-storm-preview/18031/
  3. ^ http://www.bsckids.com/2010/03/transformers-club-magazine-comic-preview/
  4. ^ Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair (w), Dan Khanna (p), Frank Milkovich (i), Thomas Deer (col), Jesse Wittenrich (let), Pete Sinclair (ed). "The Coming Storm: Part 3" The Transformers Collectors Club 33 (June/July 2010), Fun Publications
  5. ^ Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair (w), Dan Khanna (p), Josh Warner (i), Thomas Deer (col), Jesse Wittenrich (let), Pete Sinclair (ed). "The Coming Storm: Part 5" The Transformers Collectors Club 35 (Oct/Nov 2010), Fun Publications
  6. ^ Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair (w), Dan Khanna (p), Josh Warner (i), Thomas Deer (col), Jesse Wittenrich (let), Pete Sinclair (ed). "The Coming Storm: Part 6" The Transformers Collectors Club 36 (Dec/Jan 2011), Fun Publications
  7. ^ Pete Sinclair (February/March 2011). "Battle Lines Part 1". Transformers Collectors Club Magazine 1 (37): 9–14. 
  8. ^ Pete Sinclair & Jesse Wittenrich (October/November 2011). "Battle Lines Part 5". Transformers Collectors Club Magazine 1 (41): 3. 
  9. ^ http://www.e-hobby.co.jp/cgi-bin/omc?&port=33301&req=PRODUCT&code=tfce_34#english
  10. ^ http://www.transformersclub.com/dion10.cfm

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