Philipp of Antiochia

Philipp of Antiochia

Philipp of Antiochia († 1226 in the prison poison) from the family of the Ramnulfiden was the king of Armenia from 1222 to 1224 as a married man of the queen Isabella (Zabel), the daughter of the king Leo II from the family of the Rubeniden.

He was a son of Bohemund IV, prince of Antiochia and the Plaisance Embriaco of Gibelet. He married the 10-year old Isabella, who was since 1219 queen of Armenia, in June 1222 and accepted with this marriage the king title immediately.

Philipp had sworn to respect the customs of the Armenian church was missing however further catholic to replace tried Armenian barons by Frankish and plünderte the kingdom in favor of Franconias. It is to have sent even the mechanism of the palace and the royal crown after Antiochia. After three-year government it was imprisoned taken by the barons. After a source the Gefolgsleute of the Hethumiden Konstantin of Lambron as hunters had disguised itself, that had to bring allegedly a message and into its sleep chamber penetrated so at night and kidnapped it despite the protests of its wife. It was kept imprisoned in Sis, a source of constant controversy with Antiochia, until it died 1226 at poison.

Isabella was also married still in May or June of the same yearly constant in son the Hethum, which became the founder of the king dynasty of the Hethumiden.

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