Swami Satyananda Giri — Infobox Person name= Swami Satyananda Giri dead=dead birth date= 17 November 1896 death date= 2 August 1971Swami Satyananda Giri (1896 ndash;1971) was Sri Yukteswar Giri’s chief monastic disciple in India.Early yearsAcharya Swami Satyananda Giri… … Wikipedia
Swami Sri Yukteswar — Giri (10 de mayo de 1855 9 de marzo de 1936) fue un yogui bengalí, jyotisha (astrólogo védico), y propagador del Bhagavad guitá y de una particular visión de la Biblia cristiana. Sri Yukteshwar Giri … Wikipedia Español
Bhavabhushan Mitra — This article is on Bhavabhushan Mitra. For other individuals using the alias Satyananda Puri, see Swami Satyananda Puri. Infobox revolution biography name=Bhavabhushan Mitra lived= placeofbirth=Balarampur, British India placeofdeath= Calcutta,… … Wikipedia
Prafulla Kumar Sen — This article is on Prafulla Kumar Sen. For other individuals using the alias Satyananda Puri, see Swami Satyananda Puri. Prafulla Kumar Sen, also known as Swami Satyananda Puri, was an Indian revolutionary and philosopher. Puri, had in his youth… … Wikipedia
Christmas Day Plot — For the attempt to destroy an aircraft over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009, see Northwest Airlines Flight 253. The Christmas Day plot was a conspiracy made by the Indian revolutionary movement to initiate an insurrection in Bengal in British India … Wikipedia
Hindu–German Conspiracy — The Hindu German Conspiracy(name) refers to a series of plans formulated between 1914 and 1917 to initiate a Pan Indian rebellion against the British Raj during World War I. The conspirators included radical nationalists in India, the Ghadar… … Wikipedia
Thai-Bharat Cultural Lodge — The Thai Bharat Cultural Lodge (อาศรมวัฒนธรรมไทย ภารต) is one of the most prestigious Indian cultural organisation in Thailand that seeks to promote comparative studies and exchange between Thai and Indian history and culture. It was founded in… … Wikipedia
Bangkok Conference — The Bangkok Conference was a conference held on 22 June, 1942 by Indian Nationalist groups and local Indian Independence leagues at Bangkok to proclaim the formation of the All India Independence league. The conference further saw the adoption by … Wikipedia
Ghadar Conspiracy — The Ghadar Conspiracy was a conspiracy for a pan Indian mutiny in the British Indian Army in February 1915 formulated by Indian revolutionaries. It was the most prominent plan amongst a number of plots of the much larger Indo German Conspiracy,… … Wikipedia
Subhas Chandra Bose — Subhash Chandra Bose সুভাষ চন্দ্র বসু Shubhash Chôndro Boshu Subhash Chandra Bose in his uniform Born 23 January 1897(1897 01 23) Cuttack, Orissa, India … Wikipedia