

Gutierrez is a Spanish surname meaning "son of Gutierre."

* Álvaro Gutiérrez, Peruvian politician
* Armando Gutierrez, Activist, political figure.
* Carlos M. Gutierrez, United States Secretary of Commerce and CEO of Kellogg Company
* César Gutiérrez (1943-2005), Venezuelan shortstop in Major League Baseball
* Diego Gutiérrez (born 1972), Colombian soccer player
* Diego Gutiérrez, Spanish cartographer
* Donald Gutierrez (born 1932), American writer
* Gustavo Gutiérrez (born 1928), Peruvian theologian, Dominican priest, founder of Liberation Theology at the University of Notre Dame
* Jackie Gutiérrez (born 1960), former Major League Baseball shortstop
* Jorge Gutiérrez, Cuban boxer
* José Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas at Austin lecturer
* José Enrique Gutiérrez Cataluña (born 1974), professional road racing cyclist
* Judith Gutierrez, Ecuadorian master Latin American painter
* Juanito Gutierrez (born 1976), Spanish footballer
* Keibir Gutierrez (born 1987), Cuban volleyball player
* Lucio Gutierrez, the toppled president of Ecuador
* Luis Gutiérrez (born 1953), Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives representing ushr|Illinois|4| ( [] ).
* Matt Gutierrez, American football player
* Oscar Gutierrez, also known as Rey Mysterio (1974), professional wrestler who works for the Raw brand of WWE
* Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, a Cuban journalist, writer and artist.
* Raymond Gutierrez, Filipino TV host
* Richard Gutierrez, Filipino actor
* Ricky Gutiérrez, former major league baseball player
* Ruffa Gutierrez, Filipina actress, model and former beauty queen

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  • Gutiérrez — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Gutiérrez est un nom d origine hispanique. Il s agit du vingtième patronyme le plus répandu en Espagne[1] Il est porté par les personnalités suivantes:… …   Wikipédia en Français

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