Fabrizio Mejía

Fabrizio Mejía

Fabrizio Mejía Madrid (born 1968) is a Mexican writer and journalist from Mexico City. He writes for the Mexican political magazine "Proceso". He also contributes in the magazines "Letras Libres", "Gatopardo", "Chilango", and the cultural pages of the "Reforma" newspaper. HIs work was included in the anthologies "The Mexico City Reader" (University of Wisconsin Press, 2004), and "A Ustedes les consta", the reunion of Mexican choronicles edited by Carlos Monsiváis (Era, 2006). For fifteen years he has written a literary column in the Mexican leftist newspaper "La Jornada". He has published three books of chronicles; "Pequeños actos de desobediencia civil" (1996), "Entre las sábanas" (1995) and "Salida de emergencia" (Random House, 2007), and two novels, "Hombre al agua" (Joaquín Mortiz, 2004) winner of the Antonin Artaud Prize for best novel, and "El rencor" (Planeta, 2006). Recently a committee in Bogotá, International Capital of the Book, shortlisted Mejía Madrid, along with Jorge Volpi and Álvaro Enrigue, as one of the 39 writers under forty that will define Latin American literature in the 21st Century.fact|date=August 2008

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