

name = Linderniaceae

image_width = 225px
image_caption = "Torenia glabra"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Lamiales
familia = Linderniaceae
familia_authority = Borsch, K.Müll.bis, & Eb.Fisch.
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = See text.

The Linderniaceae is a family of flowering plants in the order Lamiales, which consists of about 13 genera and 195 species from worldwide, mainly in neotropics.

In other classifications it used to be included within family Scrophulariaceae "sensu lato" or more recently in Plantaginaceae "sensu lato", but several authors have demonstrated that this taxon should be segregated [Albach, D. C., Meudt, H. M. & Oxelman, B. 2005. [ Piecing together the "new" Plantaginaceae] . "American Journal of Botany" 92: 297–315.] Oxelman B., Kornhall, P., Olmstead, R. G. & Bremer, B. (2005). "Further disintegration of Scrophulariaceae". "Taxon" 54(2):411–425.] from those families, as Linderniaceae [Rahmanzadeh, R., K. Müller, E. Fischer, D. Bartels & T. Borsch. 2005. The Linderniaceae and Gratiolaceae are further lineages distinct from the Scrophulariaceae (Lamiales). Pl. Biol. ( Stuttgart) 7: 67-78.] , and currently it has been recognized by Haston "et al" 2007, (also known as LAPG II) as "Post-APG II family". [cite journal| last =Haston, E.| first = Richardson, J. E., Stevens, P. F., Chase, M. W., Harris, D. J. | title = A linear sequence of Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II families| journal = Taxon| volume = 56| issue = 1| year = 2007| pages = 7–12| doi = ]

List of Genera

Compiled from source GRIN GRIN cite web|url=|title= Germplasm Resources Information Network|publisher= Agricultural Research Service|accessdate=2007-08-14] :

* "Artanema" D. Don
* "Bampsia" Lisowski & Mielcarek
* "Craterostigma" Hochst.
* "Crepidorhopalon" Eb. Fisch.
* "Hartliella" Eb. Fisch.
* "Lindernia" All.
* "Micranthemum" Michx.
* "Picria" Lour.
* "Pierranthus" Bonati
* "Schizotorenia" T. Yamaz.
* "Scolophyllum" T. Yamaz.
* "Stemodiopsis" Engl.
* "Torenia" L.


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