- MUX (The Hardy Boys)
MUX, Incorporated is a
company in the fictional,The Hardy Boys Casefiles book series . The word mux is anabbreviation of the wordmultiplexer , which is a communications switching device.At the time of Casefiles #21 "Street Spies", MUX was a multinational front for a band of
technology pirates, inNew York City , that were stealing new product ideas from world leaders in miniaturized transmitters and receivers (like "World-Wide Technologies") after the products were out of the expensive design and development stage. Then they would tap the enormousThird-World labor pool and sell the products much cheaper than companies like "World-Wide Technologies" could. The Hardys ended up catching the MUX agent in charge of that particular operation, Louise Trent and her strong-arm man, Chung Lei. The rest of MUX stayed intact and left the USA. Later, at the time of Casefile #37, they came back to the country to steal a highly advancedcomputer chip created by "Prometheus Computing". But the Hardys again managed to foil MUX’s plan and catch the agents involved, even so the group is still a large.In Casefile #21 the company’s
finances were funneled through off-shorebanks in theCaribbean and inPanama . Its products were shipped throughTaiwan from other countries on thePacific Rim .The Hardys have never been able to find out who the
mastermind behind MUX is — the mastermind who has covered himself (or herself) with layers upon layers ofumbrella organizations .
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