Hilary Benson

Hilary Benson

Hilary Benson was a fictional character on the short lived seventies television series, Angie. She was played by actress Tammy Lauren in one of her earliest television roles.

Hilary was the only daughter of snobbish Joyce Benson and niece to Brad and his new wife, Angie. She was tended to be smothered by her mother, and was always expected to be an adult, even when she felt she couldn't.

When her uncle married Angie, Hilary was all right with it. Unlike her snobby mother, Hilary adored her new aunt, and Angie loved her just as much. In fact, thanks to Angie, Hilary, who was often expected to be adult acting, often found that she could be a kid and have fun.

Hilary was seen only for the first season of the show, after that, she was not seen, having gone out of Philadelphia.

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