Abbas Bayat — Abbas Bayat, né le 14 juillet 1947 à Téhéran en Iran, est un homme d affaires iranien. Il est surtout connu pour être le président du Royal Charleroi SC, club de football belge. Il acheta en 1997 le producteur d eau belge Chaudfontaine, en 1999… … Wikipédia en Français
Bayat (name) — The surname Bayat or Baiyat is derived from clans in Iran and Afghanistan. ClansBayat is the name of a tribe in Iran which traces its origin to the 12th century. The first location of the Bayat tribe was the city of Nishapur in the south of… … Wikipedia
Abbas — Infobox Given Name Revised name = Abbas imagesize= caption= pronunciation= gender = Male meaning = region = origin = Arabic related names = Abbass footnotes = Abbas (or Abbass, ar. عباس ) means austere in Arabic. (Austere: (1) severely simple in… … Wikipedia
Abbas Habid Rumi Al Naely — is a citizen of Iraq, held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, in Cuba. [ list of prisoners (.pdf)] , US Department of Defense , May 15 2006] Al Naely s… … Wikipedia
Morteza Gholi Bayat — (persisch مرتضیقلی بیات, auch Mortazā Qolī Bayāt Sahām al Soltān, *1882 in Arak; † 1955)[1] war Premierminister des Iran … Deutsch Wikipedia
Morteza-Qoli Bayat — 47th Prime Minister of Iran In office 25 November 1944 – 13 May 1945 Preceded by … Wikipedia
Amir Abbas Hoveyda — (persisch امیرعباس هویدا; * 18. Februar 1919 in Teheran; † 7. April 1979 ebenda) war ein iranischer Politiker und vom 27. Januar 1965 bis zum 7. August 1977 Premierminister des … Deutsch Wikipedia
Morteza Gholi Bayat — (Mortezā Qoli Bayāt, aka Sahām al Soltān , 1890 1958) was a Prime Minister of Iran.Born in Arak, Iran to Haj Abbas Qoli khan Saham al Molk Araki, he first founded the Democratic party of Arak .He was heavily involved in the termination of the… … Wikipedia
Royal Charleroi Sporting Club — Ne pas confondre avec ROC Charleroi Marchienne, un autre club de football de Charleroi (anciennement Olympic Charleroi), ni avec le Football Club Charleroi, club porteur du matricule 94, anciennement RCS Couillet. Infobox club sportif Royal … Wikipédia en Français
Charleroi SC — Royal Charleroi SC Royal Charleroi S.C. Généralités Nom complet … Wikipédia en Français