Levi Williams

Levi Williams

Levi Williams (c. 1810–1858) was a member of the Illinois militia and a Baptist minister who was active in opposing the presence of the Latter Day Saints in Hancock County, Illinois during the 1840s. He is one of five defendants who were tried and acquitted for the murder of Joseph Smith Jr., founder of the Latter Day Saint movement.

In the early 1830s, Williams and his wife moved from New York to Hancock County, Illinois. Southeast of Warsaw, Illinois, Williams became a farmer and a cooper. He also occasionally worked as a Baptist minister. Williams served as a county commissioner to establish roads. In 1835, he was commissioned a captain in the 59th Regiment of the Illinois militia and in 1840 was commissioned colonel and commanding officer of the same regiment.

When Latter Day Saints began settling in Hancock County in the late 1830s and early 1840s, Williams became a fierce opponent of their presence. In 1843, Williams led a mob that kidnapped a Mormon named Daniel Avery and his son and threatened them with guns and knives before releasing them in Missouri. [Joseph Smith, B.H. Roberts (ed.), "History of the Church", 6:99–100, 108–110, 145–148.] After Joseph Smith, Jr. and his brother Hyrum were killed by an armed mob at Carthage Jail on June 27, 1844, Williams was accused of having ordering his 59th Regiment to take part in the storming of the jail. At trial, Williams and four other defendants [Thomas C. Sharp, Mark Aldrich, Jacob C. Davis and William N. Grover.] were acquitted by a jury of the murders.

According to "Wild Bill" Hickman, Williams told him that because the Mormons "ruled the county [and] elected whom they pleased ... the old settlers had no chance". Killing the Smiths, Williams claimed, "was the only way they could get rid of them." [Bill Hickman (1872). "Brigham's Destroying Angel" (New York: George A. Crofutt) 39.]

Williams died at his farm in Green Plains, Illinois.



*Dallin H. Oaks and Marvin S. Hill (1975). "Carthage Conspiracy: The Trial of the Accused Assassins of Joseph Smith". (Urbana: University of Illinois Press)
* Marvin S. Hill. [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3945/is_200407/ai_n9408752/pg_1 "Carthage Conspiracy Reconsidered: A Second Look at the Murder of Joseph and Hyrum Smith"] , "Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society", Summer 2004.

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