Unió Korfbalera Sant Adrià de Besòs

Unió Korfbalera Sant Adrià de Besòs

The Unió Korfbalera Sant Adrià de Besòs (UKSA) is the korfbal team of Sant Adrià de Besòs city. Nowadays, it’s a member of the Catalan League of Korfbal, and the club’s president is Pilar Arnalda Piñol. The UKSA is one of the oldest clubs of Catalonia, being a member of the Catalan Federation of Korfbal. The T-shirt colour is purple (the colour of the city) and the trousers and the skirt are black.


Founded on February 28th, 2001 in the IES Manuel Vázquez Montalbán (Sant Adrià de Besòs high school), by the gymnastics teacher, Núria Riera, and a group of students of the same center; the club’s first match was played on April 21st, 2001 in the sport complex called Marina-Besòs.

The club’s name comes from the name that the high school’s doorman used to call the first korfball players of the center ("korfbalers") and also of the fact that among that group of founding students there was not only boys and girls from Sant Adrià de Besòs, but also from Badalona ("union"). Since then the team has taken part year behind year in official contests. At the beginning in low categories and afterwards in Second Division, where the club is at present.

At the moment the UKSA continues in its purpose of participating in the city life thanks to sport and the values that it transmits. In this line, the different activities and tournaments carried out in high schools and schools of the city have given a knowledge of korfball and of the club among the adrianencs, which has turned into an increasing influx to the senior team matches and into the creation of several groups of boys and girls in low categories.



Until year 2007 the club has being for 5 seasons in Second Division

*2002 - 2003 - Sixth position

*2003 - 2004 - Eighth position

*2004 - 2005 - Seventh position

*2005 - 2006 - Sixth position

*2006 - 2007 - Tenth position


Until year 2007 the club has taken part for 2 seasons in First Division

*2001 - 2002 - Champion

*2002 - 2003 - Fifth position


*2002 - Champion of Lliga Júnior
*2004 - Fair-Play Segona Divisió
*2005 - Third classified I Tournament of Korfbal Ciutat de Sant Adrià
*2006 - Second classified II Torneig de Korfbal Ciutat de Sant Adrià


*2001 - Núria Riera i Bosch

*2007 - Pilar Arnalda Piñol

External links

* [http://www.amuntuksa.com Official website]

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