- Perely Ason Ross
Perley Ason Ross (
6 April ,1883 -13 March ,1939 ) was aU.S. experiment alphysicist who worked, carefully and without seeking publicity, at some essential problems in the behaviour ofX-ray s. cite web | author=Webster, D. L. | title=Memorial Resolution Perley Ason Ross (1883 – 1938) | url= | publisher=Stanford University | accessdate=2007-08-12 ]Born
Panacea, Missouri he was awarded hisPhD fromStanford University in 1911, becoming a full professor there in 1927, after a year atCornell University .Some of his principal studies included:
*Scattering of X-rays bymatter ;
*Development of theRoss differential filter for X-rayspectroscopy ;
*X-raypolarization ; and
*Compton scattering . [cite journal | journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | author=Ross, P. A. | title=PDF| [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/9/7/246.pdf Change in wave-length by scattering] | year=1923 | volume=9 | pages=246–248 ()]His daughter, Betsy, married fellow Stanford physicist
William Webster Hansen . [Süsskind, C. (1981) "Hansen, William Webster" in cite book | author=Gillespie, C.C. (ed.) | year=1981 | location=New York | title=Dictionary of Scientific Biography | publisher=Charles Screibner's Sons | id=ISBN 0-684-16970-3 | pages=495-496 ]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.