Potassium arsenate

Potassium arsenate

Chembox new
IUPACName= Potassium dihydrogen arsenate
OtherNames= Potassium arsenate
Section1= Chembox Identifiers

Section2= Chembox Properties
Formula= KH2AsO4
MolarMass= 180.03
Appearance= colourless solid
MeltingPt= 277-283 °C

Section3= Chembox Hazards

Potassium arsenate is the chemical compound with the formula KH2AsO4. Other salts are also called potassium arsenate, including K2HAsO4 and K3AsO4. Each of these species is derived from arsenic acid: :H3AsO4 + KOH → KH2AsO4 + H2O:KH2AsO4 + KOH → K2HAsO4 + H2O:K2HAsO4 + KOH → K3AsO4 + H2OThese species are closely related to the corresponding potassium phosphates. The anions H2AsO4, HAsO42, and AsO43 feature tetrahedral AsO4 with two, one, or no H atoms attached to the oxygen atom(s), respectively.

Although this and related arsenic salts have been prescribed for health purposes, such compounds are highly toxic.

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