- Hungarian hound
Infobox Dogbreed
name= Hungarian Hound
altname= Erdélyi Kopó
Transylvanian Bloodhound
Transylvanian Hound
fcigroup= 6
fcisection= 1
fcinum= 241
ukcgroup = Scenthound
ukcstd = http://mail.ukcdogs.com/UKCweb.nsf/80de88211ee3f2dc8525703f004ccb1e/a370b0a48c17314f8525720c006a323b?OpenDocument
akcmisc =
ckcmisc =
note= | The Hungarian Hound is a breed of dog originating inHungary .Size: Large: 70-75lbs on average. Small: 50-55 lbs average weight.
The Hungarian Hound (aka. Erdélyi Kopó, Transylvanian Bloodhound) was originally used by Hungarian kings and princes for hunting various game (i.e. foxes, boar, etc).
The dog is very sleek in appearance. They carry themselves in a very erect and upright manner which lends itself to their regal heritage. Generally, the coat is black and tan (sometimes with white patches). The chest area underside is tan and/ or white, and the feet are tan or black. The hair is short (about 2 inches) and very course. The eyes are a dark brown with patches of tan above, and the ears are similar to those of a beagle (wide at mid-point, and then taper to a rounded-v shape).
The dog is extremely loyal and friendly. They are very good natured and well mannered with both people and other dogs. They form strong attachments to their owners and are very protective of family members. It is very protective of its immediate territory (i.e. owners' house and yard), and will appear very ferocious with an intimidating bark and growl towards strangers; however, it will immediately accept anyone who is invited into the area by its owners. They enjoy constant companionship and tend to remain in the presence of their owners.
The Hungarian Hound is an extremely intelligent breed, and is easily trained. They are good at problem solving.
In the beginning of the twentieth century, the breed was nearly extinct and new efforts in 1968 began to save it. Only area outside of Hungary where it exists in Romania.
* [http://www.kennelclub.hu/fajtak/k7_hu.html Hungarian Transylvanian Bloodhound]
Transylvanian Hound, Short
COUNTRY: Hungary
HEIGHT: 18-22 inches
COAT: Short and coarse
COLOR: Red and tan (with a brown nose); small amounts of white acceptable
OTHER NAMES: Erdelyi Kopo, Short Hungarian Hound
GROUP: Hound
Transylvanian Hound, Tall
COUNTRY: Hungary
WEIGHT: 66-77 pounds
HEIGHT: 22-26 inches
COAT: Short and coarse
COLOR: Black and tan
OTHER NAMES: Erdelyi Kopo, Tall Hungarian Hound
REGISTRY: 241. számú FCI standard
GROUP: Hound
External links
* [http://www.erdelyi-kopo.com/ Kevély Kennel]
* [http://www.kevely.eoldal.hu/cikkek/vizsga-szabalyzatok Erdélyi kopó examination regulations]
* [http://www.kevely.eoldal.hu/cikkek/verseny-szabalyzatok Erdélyi kopó competition regulations]Navbox
name = Hounds
title =Hounds
titlestyle = background:#CEDFF2
groupstyle = background:#CEDFF2
bodystyle = background:#F5FAFF
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