Freebase — Тип Онлайн БД Разработчик Metaweb Technologies Языки интерфейса английский Лицензия Creative Commons Attribution License Сайт … Википедия
freebase — 1980 (n. and v.), in reference to cocaine. As a chemical process, it returns a salt form of an alkaloid to its pure form. Related: Freebased; freebasing … Etymology dictionary
freebase — ☆ freebase [frē′bās΄ ] n. a concentrated form of cocaine for smoking, prepared by extracting, or freeing, the alkaloid, or base, from a salt of the drug vt., vi. freebased, freebasing to prepare or use such a form of (cocaine): Also free base or… … English World dictionary
Freebase — Der Begriff Freebase bezeichnet: die Kokainbase die offene Datenbank Freebase für semantische Daten von Metaweb Technologies die offene Datenbank bzw. das zugehörige Programm für die Quellenzuordnungen von Peers mittels Magnet Links… … Deutsch Wikipedia
freebase — free·base frē .bās vb, based; bas·ing vi to prepare or use freebase cocaine vt to prepare or use (cocaine) as freebase free·bas·er ər n freebase n purified solid cocaine (as crack) in a form that is obtained by treating the powdered hydrochloride … Medical dictionary
freebase — I. verb Date: 1980 intransitive verb to prepare or use freebase cocaine transitive verb to prepare or use (cocaine) as freebase • freebaser noun II. noun Date: 1980 a purified solid form of cocaine (as crack) that is obtained by treating the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
freebase — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun Freebase is used before these nouns: ↑cocaine {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} verb Freebase is used with these nouns as the object: ↑cocaine … Collocations dictionary
Freebase — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Psychotropes Free base : technique d usage de substances psychotropes sous leur forme basique Web Freebase : base de données libre du web… … Wikipédia en Français
freebase — freebaser, n. /free bays /, v., freebased, freebasing, n. Slang. v.t. 1. to purify (cocaine) by dissolving in ether, sodium hydroxide, etc., and filtering off the precipitate. 2. to ingest (freebased cocaine). v.i. 3. to freebase cocaine. n. 4.… … Universalium
freebase — noun cocaine that has been purified by heating with ether, taken by inhaling the fumes or smoking the residue. verb take (freebase cocaine) … English new terms dictionary