Alexandre Bida

Alexandre Bida

F. Alexandre Bida (1813-1895) [] was born in Toulouse, Frances in 1813 and was a painter of the Romantic period. He specialized in Orientalism and studied under Eugene Delacroix, but with an artist’s eye for precision and perfection, he soon developed his own style. During Bida’s youth, he traveled and worked in Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, and Palestine. He became well known for his exhibition shows during the period between 1847 and 1861. He was also an illustrator of the Holy Bible. As a Bible illustrator, Bida’s “Les Saints Evangeles” was published in 1873. In it, the four gospels were enriched by his twenty-eight etchings.

Of Bida's work [] , it was said that he brought a truth and genius that made his Christ reverent, refined, dignified, and strong. He died in Buhl, Germany in the year of 1895 at the age of 82.

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* ALEXANDRE BIDA (1813 – 1895) BIOGRAPHY ("French") []

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