Fred Baden

Fred Baden

Infobox Mayor | name=Frederick H. "Fred" Baden, Sr.

image size=250px
caption=Fred Baden as mayor of Pineville, Louisiana
office= flagicon|USA Mayor of Pineville, Rapides Parish, Louisiana, USA
party= Democratic
term_start= 1970
term_end= 1998
preceded= Floyd W. Smith, Jr.
succeeded= Clifford Leo Deslatte, Sr.
date of birth=birth date and age|1934|5|4
occupation=Plumbing contractor
spouse= (1) Patsy Nugent Baden (later Mrs. Terrell D. Corley)
(2) Roxann Babb Baden
children=Three sons and daughter (deceased) from first marriage:
Mark Wendell Baden
Gary Wayne Baden
Tony Phillip Baden
Two sons from second marriage:
Frederick H. Baden, Jr. (born 1978)
Joshua Adam Baden (born 1979)
footnotes=Baden kept Pineville free of alcoholic beverage sales during his 28-year tenure as mayor.

Frederick H. "Fred" Baden, Sr. (born May 4, 1934), is a former Democratic mayor of Pineville, a small city across the Red River from Alexandria in Rapides Parish, Louisiana. Baden, who is of German extraction, served in the executive position from 1970 until his defeat in 1998 by the Republican Clifford Leo Deslatte, Sr. (born 1947).

Baden grew up on Lakeview Street in Pineville. A plumber by occupation, he served on the Pineville City Council from 1966 until his election as mayor in the spring of 1970. As a councilman, he often clashed with Mayor Floyd W. Smith, Jr., who did not seek a second term but instead ran successfully in 1970 for councilman at-large, a position that Smith later resigned. Baden was particularly known for his opposition to the sale of alcohol in historically prohibitionist Pineville, the home of Baptist-affiliated Louisiana College. He once closed Buhlow Lake in Pineville to boat races because of alcohol consumption on the premises.

During Baden's tenure, Pineville constructed a new city hall, opened new police and fire stations, built a recreation center, and expanded and improved its streets. Still the population remained relatively constant during his 28-year tenure as mayor -- in the range of 12,000 to 13,000. Baden also worked with L. B. Henry of Pineville, long-term president of the Rapides Parish Police Jury in upgrading the infrastructure and procuring sewerage service to the outlying Wardville and Lee Heights areas. Baden and Henry also came to terms for the establishment of an animal shelter for both Pineville and the parish. Like Baden, Henry was a plumber by trade.

In 1974, Baden won his second term by a large margin over the Rapides Parish School Board member Gary K. Hays (1938-1981). Thereafter, he divorced his wife, the former Patsy Nugent (born August 5, 1932), and he married his young secretary, the former Roxann Babb (born 1950). Patsy Baden later married Terrell D. Corley (born May 4, 1945). Fred and Patsy Baden had a daughter (deceased) and three sons, Mark Wendell Baden (born September 17, 1953), a former deputy with the Rapides Parish Sheriff's Department, Gary Wayne Baden (born October 22, 1955), a plumber, and Tony Phillip Baden (born March 23, 1960) of Boyce. Fred and Roxann Baden also have several children, including Frederick H. "Freddy" Baden, Jr. (born 1978), and Joshua Adam Baden (born 1979). Gary Baden ran unsuccessfully for the Pineville City Council in 2002, having been defeated by Kevin Dorn, 74-26 percent.

Baden continued to be reelected in 1978, 1982, 1986, and 1990. His last victory was in the jungle primary held on March 26, 1994, when he polled 2,449 votes (69 percent) to 1,075 (30 percent) for the Republican Christian D. "Chris" Cunningham, and 31 votes (1 percent) for Democrat Nick Patten.

In the primary held on April 4, 1998, Baden led the four-candidate field with 1,805 votes (44 percent). Deslatte trailed with 1,243 ballots (31 percent). A second Democrat, Barbara B. Gypin, polled 35 votes (1 percent). The "No Party" candidate, Randy Tannehill, son of political power broker Fred Tannehill, received 977 votes (24 percent). In the general election on May 2, Deslatte prevailed with 2,304 votes (53 percent) to Baden's 2,062 (47 percent).

Deslatte, however, was unable to work with the city council and resigned as mayor after less than two years into his term. He said that the political pressure was too much to make the job worth keeping. After Deslatte resigned, the council appointed an African American council member, Clarence Ray Fields, Sr. (born November 7, 1955), as interim mayor. Fields, hence the first black mayor of Pineville, was then elected to a partial term in 2000, a full term in 2002 and reelected again in 2006. Baden announced that he would oppose Fields for the partial term in 2000 but subsequently withdrew from consideration.

In 2001, the Rapides Parish Police Jury [county commission in other states] appointed Baden to fill an unexpired term on the Esler Industrial Development Area Advisory Board. His appointment ended on January 8, 2006. Baden is retired in Pineville.


*"Alexandria Daily Town Talk", May 25, 1979; December 10, 1999; October 7, 2000

NAME = Baden, Fred
ALTERNATIVE NAMES = Baden, Frederick H. Sr.

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