- Alexander Retuinskih
Russian General Alexander Retuinskih is the President of the International and All-Russian Federation of Russian Martial Art, who served as Special Representative to Russian President
Vladimir Putin during his election campaign. ISBN 1556434456 ] ISBN 1-55643-445-6 ]Retuinskih began his training at 7 years old learning
gymnastics , at the age of 12, he began studying boxing, at 14, Sambo and Combat Sambo and at age 19, Judo and Boxing. He was a USSR Master of Sport in Sambo and Judo and a boxing champion of different competitions in Russia and the USSR. He founded the martial art system of Russian Special Operations UnitsSpetsnaz named Russian Martial Art R.O.S.S.. [http://www.ceo.spb.ru/eng/sport/retiunskikh.a.i/index.shtml Personalities of Saint-Petersburg] ] Troops trained in ROSS include Russian Spetsnaz units of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Defense and protective services, Russian Marine troops, VDV, OMON, and Minsk's "Alpha" units in Byelorussia, special MVD units "Vityaz", frontier troops of Lithuania and many others. [ [http://www.kgb-militaryschool.com/view/ROSS_martial_arts History of ROSS] ]Retuinskih's name, and that of his North American representative
Scott Sonnon [ [http://www.micmaccentre.ca/russian-martial-arts.php North American Annex to Russian Federation of Russian Martial Art Launch Release] ] , has become synonymous with Russian martial arts. As former trainer to Russian Special Operations Units, Personal Representative to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Cultural Heritage Spokesman."The life that belongs to each of us is our own and each of us defends it in our own way; one's own nature suggests how and for whom it can be done." - Gen. Alexander I. Retuinskih
* Aleksandr M. Krivorotov - the First Distinguished Coach of Russia in Sambo (highest award in sport in Russia) [http://www.e-budo.com/forum/printthread.php?t=4209&page=2&pp=15]
* Vladimir V. Volosov - Distinguished Coach of Russia in Sambo, Chairman of Sambo Academy in Kstovo [http://www.e-budo.com/forum/printthread.php?t=4209&page=2&pp=15]
* Vladimir P. Guliaev - Distinguished Coach of Bashkiria in Sambo [http://www.e-budo.com/forum/printthread.php?t=4209&page=2&pp=15]
* Uriu A. Shulik - Master of Sport in Sambo, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Krasnodar State Academy of Physical Culture [http://www.e-budo.com/forum/printthread.php?t=4209&page=2&pp=15]
* G. Potoroka - Master of Sport in Sambo and Judo (deceased) [http://www.e-budo.com/forum/printthread.php?t=4209&page=2&pp=15]
* Aleksei A. Kadochnikov - Instructor of Hand-To-Hand Combat [http://www.e-budo.com/forum/printthread.php?t=4209&page=2&pp=15]Biography
Retuinskih was born in
Dzerzinsk ,Niznegorodskay Oblast ,Russia on28 February ,1953 .
* 1971-1973 - Military service, Tank Battalion Commander
* 1973-1976 - Industrial Chemical Engineer
* 1976-1982 - Academic Degree, Krasnodar College of Physical Culture and Sport [http://www.usadojo.com/biographies/alexander-retuinskih.htm Alexander Retuinskih Biography] ]
* 1982-1989 - Sambo Coach of Kubansky College
* 1982-1989 - Senior Hand to Hand Combat Instructor for Krasnodar and Krasnodarskay Oblast Police Departments.
* 1989-1990 - Sambo Coach of Metrostroi Sport Complex Moscow
* 1991-Present - President of International and All-Russian Federation of Russian Martial Art
* 1993 - Chairman of the Russian Combat Sambo Committee of the Russian Federation of Russia and Vice-Chairman of the International Combat Sambo Commission of FIAS (International Sambo Federation) and the General Director of the RETAL (Russian Combat Skill Consultant Scientific & Practical Training Center).
* 1995 - patented the R.O.S.S. Training System with 6 directions. The indicated method is determined as "Know-How" (registered with the State enterprise "Informpatent" Committee of the Russian Federation by patent and trademark of April 4, 1995)
* 1997 - Promoted to Chief of the Department of Hand to Hand Combat for Cossack Military of Russia and abroad and ranked military General, headquartered in Union of Cossack Military of Russia and abroad.
* 1997 - knighted by the Regent Council of Russian Noble Society, and bestowed with the title of "Count"
* 1998 - accepted professorship position at St. Petersburg State Academy of Physical Culture, Dean of Department of Russian Combat Skills
* 1998 - successfully defended his dissertation at the Department of Hand-to-hand Combat of St. Petersburg Military College of Physical Culture; the subject of the dissertation: "Methodic ROSS for Educational Development".* 1999 - Appointed Special Representative to President Vladimir Putin [ [http://mosross.ru/teo.htm Theory and History of Russian Martial Art] - R.O.S.S., Moscow Gymnasium Sports Complex]
* 2000 - Awarded the highest award distinction in Russian athletics: "Distinguished Coach of Russia" - presented by Russian Minister of Sport
* 2000 - Inducted into International Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and appointed to Grandmaster Council byWorld Head of Family Sokeship Council ,
* 2007 - Recognized as one of the "Top 100 Most Influential People in Russia"
* 2007 - Featured in the History Channel's martial art documentary entitled "The Human Weapon Episode: Sambo Russia's Extreme Fighting". [ [http://www.history.com/minisite.do?content_type=Minisite_Generic&content_type_id=55009&display_order=5&sub_display_order=13&mini_id=54986 Sambo: Russia's Extreme Fighting - The History Channel series Human Weapon ] ]Books
*"Russian-Style Hand to Hand Combat", RMAX.tv Productions, Atlanta, Georgia 1996. ISBN 0-7596-8706-4
* World Head of Family Sokeship Council Newsletter [http://bushido.org/whfsc/newsletter/whfsc46.htm]
* Biography of Retuinskih [http://bushido.org/whfsc/grandmaster/retuinskih.htm]
* Martial Art FAQ: History of Russian Martial Art [http://www.faqs.org/faqs/martial-arts/faq/part3]
* The ROSS - Sambo Connection [http://martialarts.jameshom.com/library/weekly/aa041400c.htm]
* President Putin on ROSS [http://web.archive.org/web/20001217023500/www.amerross.com/main.html]
* The History of ROSS [http://web.archive.org/web/20001203060100/www.amerross.com/aarmacs/ross.html]External links
* Federation of Russian Martial Arts - UK Annex [http://formauk.net/index.html]
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