Geirr Tveitt — Geirr Tveitt, born Nils Tveit, (October 19, 1908 ndash;February 1, 1981) was a Norwegian composer and pianist. Tveitt was a central figure of the national movement in Norwegian cultural life during the 1930s. A talented pianist, Tveitt won… … Wikipedia
Kongsvinger — Infobox Kommune name=Kongsvinger idnumber=0402 county=Hedmark landscape=Glåmdal capital=Kongsvinger governor=Arve Bones (Ap) governor as of=2003 arearank=102 area=1036 arealand=953 areapercent=0.32 population as of=2004 populationrank=57… … Wikipedia
List of Norwegians — This is a list of notable people from Norway. Art Literature * Roald Dahl, British children s author of Norwegian descent. * Ingvar Ambjørnsen, author * Kjell Aukrust, author and illustrator * Olav Aukrust, poet * Ari Behn, author, and husband of … Wikipedia
UKA — is the largest cultural festival in Norway and is arrangedevery other year entirely by volunteer students from Trondheim. In 2005, 1394 students did volunteer work, while 78,000 event tickets were sold.The name UKA translates to the week ,… … Wikipedia
List of classical pianists (recorded) — This is a list of pianists of whom recordings survive who play or played classical music. Since the number of people who have played the piano is probably in the millions, most of whom are not notable, the list is confined to those who have left… … Wikipedia
Antonsen — Ole Edvard Antonsen (* 25. April 1962 in Vang) ist ein norwegischer Trompeter. Ole Edvard Antonsen, 2008 Antonsen begann dreijährig Klavier zu spielen, entdeckte aber bald die Trompete für sich, auf der er so schnelle Fortschritte machte, dass er … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ole Edvard Antonsen — (* 25. April 1962 in Vang) ist ein norwegischer Trompeter. Ole Edvard Antonsen, 2008 Antonsen begann dreijährig Klavier zu spielen, entdeckte aber bald die Trompete für sich, auf der er so schnelle Fortschritte machte, dass er im Alter von sieben … Deutsch Wikipedia
UKA — est le plus grand festival culturel de Norvège. Il est entièrement organisé par des étudiants volontaires de Trondheim. Le dernier festival, en octobre 2005, a été preparé et géré par 1394 étudiants. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Taille 3 Reconnaissance … Wikipédia en Français
Artur Schnabel Piano Competition — The Artur Schnabel Wettbewerb is an intern piano competition organized by the Berlin University of the Arts since 1986. While aimed to the institution s alumni, in recent editions pianists under the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler have joined… … Wikipedia
Премия Ассоциации норвежских критиков — См. также категорию: Лауреаты премии Ассоциации норвежских критиков Премия Ассоциации норвежских критиков (норв. Kritikerprisen) норвежская премия, ежегодно вручаемая Ассоциацией норвежских критиков за достижения в различных областях… … Википедия