

name = "Euleptorhamphus"
fossil_range = fossilrange|11|0
Late Miocene to Present [cite journal
last = Sepkoski
first = Jack
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = A compendium of fossil marine animal genera
journal = Bulletins of American Paleontology
volume = 364
issue =
pages = p.560
publisher =
location =
date = 2002
url =
doi =
id =
accessdate = 2008-01-08
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Beloniformes
familia = Hemiramphidae
subfamilia = Hemiramphinae
genus = "Euleptorhamphus"
genus_authority = Gill, 1859
type_species = "Euleptorhamphus brevoortii"
type_species_authority = Gill, 1859
subdivision_ranks = Binomial name
subdivision =
"Euleptorhamphus velox"
Poey, 1868
"Euleptorhamphus viridis"
(van Hasselt, 1823)

"Euleptorhamphus" is a genus of halfbeaks (family Hemiramphidae) in the order Beloniformes. It includes two species, the flying halfbeak, "E. velox", and the ribbon halfbeak, "E. viridis".cite web|last=Collette|first=Bruce B.|title=Family Hemiramphidae Gill 1859 -- halfbeaks|url=|publisher=California Academy of Sciences Annotated Checklist of Fishes|issue=22|date=February 2004|format=PDF] FishBase species|genus=Euleptorhamphus|species=velox|year=2007|month=Aug] FishBase species|genus=Euleptorhamphus|species=viridis|year=2007|month=Aug]

Both of these species are marine. "E. velox" occurs in coastal and oceanic waters from the western Atlantic from New England south through the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea to Recife, Brazil and eastern Atlantic from the Cape Verde Islands, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. "E. viridis" is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. It is usually oceanic, but enters large open bays and is also found around islands.

"E. velox" may reach up to 61.0 centimetres (24.0 in) TL. "E. viridis" may grow up to 53.0 cm (20.9 in) TL.

"E. viridis" is able to jump out of the water and glide over the surface.


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