- Puffy planet
Puffy planet, also called fluffy planet, is a class of
gas giant planet s that have density less than 0.5 g/cm³. Puffy planets often orbit close to theirstar s because the intense heat from the star andinternal heat within the planet bloat planet'satmosphere as inthermal expansion . There are three puffy planets have been detected by transit method in order of discovery:HAT-P-1b ,COROT-Exo-1b , andTrES-4 . There could be somehot Jupiter s detected by radial velocity method that can be so-called puffy planets.The varying mass can affect properties of puffy planets. The massive planets (>2 Jupiters) are not puffy because the massive planets have strong
gravity to keep planets from being very big. The less massive planets (<2 Jupiters) can be puffy if it is not massive enough to hold the planets together in tighter space.External links
* [http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/060914_cork_planet.html Puffy 'cork' planet would float on water]
* [http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1P2-1635427.html Puffy Planet discovered: It's largest world outside our solar system]
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