- Vespericola
image_width = 200px
image_caption = "Vespericola columbiana "
from W. G. Binney, 1878 [Binney, William G. (1878). "The Terrestrial Air-Breathing Mollusks of the United States and Adjacent Territories of North America". Vol. 5 (plates). Bull. Mus. Comparative Zool., Harvard. Plate 13a.]
regnum =Animalia
phylum =Mollusca
classis =Gastropoda
ordo =Pulmonata
subordo =Eupulmonata
infraordo =Stylommatophora
parvordo =Sigmurethra
superfamilia =Helicoidea
familia =Polygyridae
genus = "Vespericola"
genus_authority = Pilsbry 1939"Vespericola" is a genus of land snail in the family
Polygyridae . They are found along the Pacific coast of North America, from southernAlaska andBritish Columbia toCalifornia . The shells of these small to medium, globose or depressed globose snails are usually some shade of brown, sometimes without apertural teeth and sometimes with a single tooth on the parietal wall. Small periostracal hairs may be observed on the shell surface of many specimens, but the shells, otherwise, resemble those of "Praticolella " or "Mesodon ". Pilsbry, Henry A. 1940. "Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico)". Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Monograph 3, vol. 1(2): 892-912.]According to Pilsbry (1940), "Vespericola" "differs from all other Polygyridae by the possession of a well developed though rather short verge, and by the peculiar shape of the epiphallus". [Pilsbry, Henry A. 1940. "Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico)". Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Monograph 3, vol. 1(2): 892.]
The following species and subspecies are included in this genus: [ [http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=77645] "Vespericola" at "ITIS" ("Integrated Taxonomic Information System"); accessed 5 Feb. 2008.]
Vespericola armigera " (Ancey, 1881); Santa Cruz hesperian
*"Vespericola columbiana " (I. Lea, 1838); northwest hesperian
*"Vespericola columbiana depressa " (Pilsbry & Henderson, 1936)
*"Vespericola columbiana latilabrum " Pilsbry, 1940
*"Vespericola eritrichius " (Berry, 1939); velvet hesperian
*"Vespericola hapla " (Berry, 1933); Butte Creek hesperian
*"Vespericola karokorum " Talmadge, 1962; Karok hesperian
*"Vespericola klamathicus " Roth and W. B. Miller, 1995; Klamath hesperia
*"Vespericola marinensis " Roth and W. B. Miller, 1993; Marin hesperian
*"Vespericola megasoma " (Pilsbry, 1928); redwood hesperian
*"Vespericola megasoma euthales " (Berry, 1939)
*"Vespericola oria " (Berry, 1933); El Dorado hesperian
*"Vespericola pilosa " (Henderson, 1928; brushfield hesperian
*"Vespericola pinicola " (Berry, 1916); Monterey hesperian
*"Vespericola pressleyi " Roth, 1985; Big Bar hesperian
*"Vespericola rothi " Cordero and W. B. Miller, 1995; Ellery Creek hesperian
*"Vespericola scotti " Cordero and W. B. Miller, 1995; Benson Gulch hesperian
*"Vespericola shasta " (Berry, 1921); Shasta hesperian
*"Vespericola sierrana " (Berry, 1921); Siskiyou hesperianReferences
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