- Stenotrema
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image_caption = The polygyrid land snail "Stenotrema florida ", with a close-up view of the periostracal "hairs" typical of the genus.
regnum =Animalia
phylum =Mollusca
classis =Gastropoda
ordo =Stylommatophora
familia =Polygyridae
genus = "Stenotrema""Stenotrema" is a genus of
gastropod in the familyPolygyridae . These are typically small to medium snails, with a velvety or hairy surface and a narrow aperture, usually closely guarded by well-developed "teeth". The genus occurs throughout most of North America, from Alaska, though Canada and the United States, into Mexico. Pilsbry, Henry A. 1940. "Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico)". Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Monograph 3, vol. 1(2): 639-688.]It contains the following species and subspecies: [ [http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=77572] "Stenotrema" at ITIS ("Integrated Taxonomic Information System"); accessed 11 Jan. 2008.] See "
Euchemotrema " for other closely related taxa, many of which are sometimes placed in "Stenotrema".*"
Stenotrema altispira " (Pilsbry, 1894)
*"Stenotrema angellum " Hubricht, 1858
*"Stenotrema barbigerum " (Redfield, 1856)
*"Stenotrema blandianum " (Pilsbry, 1903)
*"Stenotrema brevipila " (Clap, 1907)
*"Stenotrema burringtoni " Grimm, 1971
*"Stenotrema calvescens " Hubricht, 1961
*"Stenotrema cohuttense " (Clapp, 1914)
*"Stenotrema deceptum " (Clapp, 1905)
*"Stenotrema depilatum " (Pilsbry, 1895)
*"Stenotrema edgarianum " (Lea, 1841)
*"Stenotrema edvardsi " (Bland, 1856)
*"Stenotrema exodon " (Pilsbry, 1900)
*"Stenotrema exodon turbinella " (Clench & Archer, 1933)
*"Stenotrema florida " Pilsbry, 1940
*"Stenotrema hirsutum " (Say, 1817)
*"Stenotrema hirsutum barbatum " (Clapp, 1904)
*"Stenotrema labrosum " (Bland 1862)
*"Stenotrema magnifumosum " (Pilsbry, 1900)
*"Stenotrema maxillatum " (Gould, 1848)
*"Stenotrema pilsbryi " (Ferriss, 1900);Pilsbry's narrow-apertured land snail
*"Stenotrema pilula " (Pilsbry, 1900)
*"Stenotrema simile " Grimm, 1971
*"Stenotrema spinosum " (Lea, 1830)
*"Stenotrema stenotrema " (Pfeiffer, 1842)
*"Stenotrema unciferum " (Pilsbry, 1900)
*"Stenotrema unciferum caddoense " (Archer, 1935)
*"Stenotrema waldense " Archer, 1938References
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