- Honey super
A honey super is a part of a beehive that is used to collect
honey . The most common variety is the super with a depth of 6 5/8 inches in the length and width dimensions of aLangstroth hive .Honey supers may contain 8-10 frames.Western honeybee s collect nectar and store the processed nectar in thehoneycomb of the frames. When the honeycomb is full, the bees will cap the comb withbeeswax . Beekeepers will take the full honey supers and extract the honey. Periods when there is an abundantnectar source available and bees are quickly bringing back thenectar , are called ahoney flow . During a honey flow, beekeepers may put several honey supers onto a hive so the bees have enough storage space.Honey supers are removed in the fall when the honey is extracted and before the hive is winterized.
=Langstroth Hive Dimensions=Using 3/4 inch wood the outside dimensions are 19" 7/8 x 16" 1/4 x height In the metrric system 25mm wood may be used which makes the outside dimensions 515mm x 425mm x height.
* [http://beesource.com/plans/10frlang.pdf 10-frame Langstroth Beehive] Beesource.com; accessed Mar 2006
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