John Baden

John Baden

John A. Baden is founder and chairman of the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE) based in Bozeman, Montana. FREE's focus is environmental economics and policy analysis.

According to a biographical note on FREE's websitem, Baden "was a leader in developing the New Resource Economics, an incentive-based approach to environmental and natural resource management." [] Baden is associated with the free-market environmentalist movement.

Baden is also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and the Philadelphia Society, has served two terms on the National Petroleum Council, and has served as President of the Association of Private Enterprise Education. He was co-founder of the Environmental Management M.B.A. program at the University of Washington.

In 1977 Baden co-authored "Managing the Commons" [] with Garrett Hardin, the author of the essay "The Tragedy of the Commons". The book, which is currently out of print, is a collection of articles exploring the themes raised in Hardin's original essay.

External links

* [ Baden's bio] , from FREE's website
* [ An extensive list] of Baden's columns from 1989 to the present

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