Roy H. Wagner

Roy H. Wagner

:"for the anthropologist see Roy Wagner"Roy H. Wagner, ASC (American Society of Cinematographers) is a two-time Emmy-winning cinematographer known for dramatic, dark imagery. Named by Kodak as one of the "Top 100 Directors of Photography in the World" Wagner's career has spanned 35 years in the motion picture and television industries. He has also received the ASC Award for Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography for a Miniseries.

Wagner is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the American Society of Cinematographers and has won the Producers Guild "Vision Award". He studied with Ansel Adams who taught him to rise to the challenge of new technology. Wagner is extremely active within the American Society of Cinematographers, and contributes much of his free time furthering the charter of the organization.

Credits as Director

* "Pasadena" (2001 - Television)
* "" (2000 - Television, Episode "$35K O.B.O.")

Credits as Cinematographer

* House (2004/2005 - Television)
* Shackles (2005 - Feature)
* A Thief of Time (2004 - Television)
* Coyote Waits (2003 - Television)
* Joan of Arcadia (2003 - Television, Pilot Episode, Additional Photography)
* Push, Nevada (2003 - Television)
* (2002 - Direct to Video)
* Pasadena (2001 - Television)
* : Crime Scene Investigation (2000 - Television)
* A Rumor of Angels (2000 - Film)
* In the Company of Spies (1999 - Television)
* Cold Feet (1999 - Television Pilot)
* Get Real (1999 - Television)
* Cyclops, Baby (1997 - Film)
* Cracker (1997 - Television)
* Robert Altman's Gun (1997 - Television)
* The Pest (1997 - Film)
* Nick of Time (1995 - Film)
* Drop Zone (1994 - Film)
* The Secrets of Lake Success (1993 - Television)
* Another Stakeout (1993 - Television)
* 2000 Malibu Road (1992 - Television)
* The Broken Cord (1992 - Television)
* (1992 - Television)
* Saturday's (1991 - Television)
* The Antagonists (1991 - Television)
* Nasty Boys (1990 - Television)
* Christine Cromwell (1989 - Television)
* Nasty Boys (1989 - Television Pilot)
* Quantum Leap (1989 - Television)
* Mortuary Academy (1988 - Film)
* Disaster at Silo 7 (1988 - Television)
* Nightforce (1987 - Film)
* Beauty and the Beast (1987 - Television)
* Burglar (1987 - Film, San Francisco 2nd Unit)
* (1987 - Film)
* Return to Horror High (1987 - Film)
* Witchboard (1986 - Film)
* Pray for Death (1985 - Film)
* Nine Deaths of the Ninja (1985 - Film)

Misc. Credits

* Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (1992 - Film, Committee Member: ASC education)


* "I...would like to take the curse off of technology. There is no reason why any director should fear new ideas or technologies that might significantly contribute to their ability to tell stories."

External links

* [ An ASC Interview with Wagner]
* [ Wagner's Mirror Trick (ASC Article)]
* Working on [ Dick Wolf's "Nasty Boys"]

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