- Sikh terms
The following list consists of
concept s that are derived from both Sikh and Indian tradition. The main purpose of this list is to disambiguate multiple spellings, to make note of spellings no longer in use for these concepts, to define the concept in one or two lines, to make it easy for one to find and pin down specific concepts, and to provide a guide to unique concepts of Sikhism all in one place.A
; Amrit : elixir of immortality - the sanctified nectar or sugar water substitute used in ceremonies. It is prepared by stirring it in an iron bowl with the double-edged sword and continuous recitation of five bani’s by the five selected members of the Khalsa.
; Amritdhari : baptized Sikh who has undergone the Khalsa ceremony. According to Sikh Reht Maryada, any person who is initiated into Khalsa brotherhood is called Amrit Dhari.; Amrit Sanchar : baptism (sanchar means ceremony)
; Bani : verses. An abbreviation of Gurbani, applied to any of the writings which appear in the Guru Granth Sahib. ; Bhagat Bani :Any of the writings which appear in the Guru Granth Sahib which were not written by the Gurus.
; Daan : Charity. One of the 3 petitions - Naam, Daan, Ishnan.; Dasband (daswand) : 10% of earnings donated to the less advantaged.; Dastar : Turban (Pugree). It is an inseparable part of Sikh dress and is mandatory for a Sikh to tie his turban according to Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Sikh 'Code of Conduct'.; Dharam di Kirat : Earn an honest living.
; Gatka: Sikh martial art; Gurdwara : Place of worship; Gurbani : Collective writings of the Sikh Gurus. (See bani.); Gurmukh : Person who is spiritually centered. (See manmukh.) ; Gurmukhi : The written form of Punjabi used in the Sikh scriptures propagated by Guru Nanak and Guru Angad. Gurmukhi Alphabet is also called 'Paintis Akhri' because it contains thirty-five letters.; Gutka : Prayerbook containing daily prayers.
; Hankar : Pride, one of the 5 vices.
; Ishnan : Purity of mind and body. One of the 3 petitions - Naam, Daan, Ishnan.
; J
; Kakke : Panj (5) K's that must be worn by Sikhs. ; Kachha/kachhera : Short undergarments - one of the Five K's that a Khalsa Sikh must wear. It is a symbol of self control.; Kam : Lust, one of the 5 vices. ; Kanga : Comb - one of the Five K's that a Khalsa Sikh must west. It is a symbol of discipline.; Kara : A loose steel bracelet - one of the Five K's that Sikhs must wear. It is a symbol of restraint. ;
Kaur : Princess. Female Sikh middle name or surname; Kesh : Unshorn hair - one of the Five K's that Sikhs must wear. ; Khanda : Emblem of Sikh faith that symbolizes the four pillars of Sikh belief. It consists of four symbolic weapons.;Khalsa : Pure - must carrypanj kakkar ; Kirpan : Short sword - one of the Five K's that a Khalsa Sikh must wear. It is a symbol of the fight against injustice and religious oppression. ;Kirat Karō (kirat karni) : One of the three primary pillars of Sikhism, the others being Naam Japo and Wand kay Shako. The term means to earn an honest, pure and dedicated living. ; Krodh : Anger. One of the 5 vices. ; Kurahit kurahat : The cardinal sins for the Sikhs. These are cutting, trimming, shaving or removing hairs from one’s body, eating kuttha meat, using tobacco or any other intoxicant in any form or committing adultery.; Kuttha : Meat killed in a sacrificial manner, such as Halal or Kosher.L
; Lobh : Greed, one of 5 vices.
; Manmukh : A self-centered person. (See gurmukh.) ; Moh : Attachment. One of the 5 vices.; Mul Mantra : Basic statement of creed.
; Naam : Name. Remembrance of the divine name. Naam: before Waheguru Created. there was only Himself and nothing else. Then when he spoke (the Big Bang) the Sound or "Shabad" that came from our Lord is called NAAM. It is also called Siege Dun, 5 Panch Shabad, ANHAD Bani, and KAvao "Eko KAvao this te hoi Lak Dariao". After this Naam came MAYA. The same way the Waheguru is everywhere this Naam is also, it is prevailing all places and we have to connect with it by doing Simran, because without Naam there is no Salvation.
; Naam japna : Recitation and meditation on the Naam of the Lord.; Nitnem : Daily prayers which begin with Japji Sahib and are written in a Gutka (prayerbook).
; Panj : The number 5; Panj dokh : The 5 vices. Ahankar (pride), Kam (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed) and Moh (worldly attachment) ; Panj weapons : Chardi Kala (positive energy), Daan (charity), Dayan (kindness) Nimarta (humility), Santokh (contentment); Panj virtues : Daya (compassion), Nimrata (humility), Pyare (love), Santokh (contentment) and Sat (truth).; Panj Kakke : The Five K's; the five external symbols worn by both male and female Sikhs. The name of each symbol starts with the letter k (kakka) viz. kaccha, kanga, kara, kesh and kirpan. ; Patit : Apostate; Pugree : Dastar, turban. It is an inseparable part of Sikh dress and is mandatory for a Sikh to tie his turban according to Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Sikh 'Code of Conduct'.
; Sangat : Society (congregation) see Panth.; Sarbat da Bhalla: Welfare of mankind (sarbat = mankind, bhalla = welfare);
Seva : Service. One of the 2 foundations of Sikhism. (see simran). Three varieties of seva are sanctioned in the Sikh lore: that rendered through the corporal instrument (tan), that through the mental apparatus (man) and that through the material wherewithal (dhan).There are 4 types of Seva 1. Dhan di Seva- the one people are most familiar with. doing seva be performing deeds of service and virtue.2. Mann Di Seva done by doing Simran. cleansing the Soul of polluted thoughts and Maya. 3. Guru di Seva- by having your Mann attuined to his Nam. and 4. Satgur ki Seva. ; Shabad : The religious hymns contained in Sikh scriptures. ; Shaheed : Title used before the name of a person who has died as a Sikh martyr. ; Simran : Simran is the remembrance of Waheguru. Guru Nanak formed a new type of Bakti beginning with Simran and Jap of Waheguru Gurmantar.;Singh : Lion. Male Sikh middle or surname title.; Sloka : Stanza. The Sanskrit epic metre formed of thirty-two syllables: verses of two lines (distich) of sixteen syllables each or in four half-lines (hemistich) of each syllables each. Japu (recitation) comprises an introductory sloka, 38 stanzas traditionally called pauris and a concluding sloka attributed by some to Guru Angad. ;Sukhmani : the Psalm of Peace.T
;Tankhah : Salary, payment also social offense - He is not to commit any of the social offences (Tankhah), such as giving dowry, using liquors and intoxicants, raising monuments over graves and associating with apostates. ; Turban : Dastar (Pugree). It is an inseparable part of Sikh dress and is mandatory for a Sikh to tie his turban according to Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Sikh 'Code of Conduct'.
Waheguru (ਵਾਹਗੁਰੂ) : Wonderful is the Lord.; Wand Shakna : To share one's bounty with others (See daan.)X
* [http://www.allaboutsikhs.com/sikh-youth/glossary-of-sikh-religious-terms.html/ Sikh terms]
* [http://www.gurmat.info/sms/smsglossary/ Glossary of Sikh terms]See also
* www.Simran.info after extensive research this site sums it up in about30 hrs.
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.