

Sommerhus, literally "summer house", is the term used in the Scandavian countries to describe the popular holiday homes or summer cottages which are often located near the sea but can also be in attractive areas of the countryside. Most of them are timber constructions, often suitable for year-round use. Increasingly they have additions such as saunas, heating ovens, fireplaces or attractive gardens. Increasingly, English speakers call them summerhouses.

Many of the Danish resorts depend on the rental of summerhouses to accommodate national and foreign tourists who can rent them, usually on a weekly basis, at prices well below those of hotels. But the Scandinavians themselves spend a considerable amount of time in their summerhouses which are often the venue for family reunions or simply weekends away from the offce. In recent years, the popularity and thus the cost of summerhouses has increased appreciably, particularly in Denmark's coastal resorts. While under Danish law, owners are not normally permitted to use these houses as permanent homes, an exception is made for pensioners.

ee also

* Mountain hut - building located in the mountains intended to provide food and shelter to mountaineers and hikers
* Bothy - simple shelter
* Dacha – seasonal or year-round second homes located in the exurbs of Soviet and Russian cities
* Bungalow – type of single-storey house
* "Pied a terre" – small living unit, typically located in a large city
* Vacation rental

External links

* [ Sommerhus catalogue for Denmark from Sommerhus-siden] . Retrieved 6 August 2007.

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