Zaikyō kī kyoku

Zaikyō kī kyoku

In Japan, there are five broadcasting stations which take the lead in the network of commercial broadcasting. The five stations are Nippon Television, Tokyo Broadcasting System, Fuji Television, TV Asahi, and TV Tokyo. Their head office are in Tokyo, and they are called Zaikyō_kī_kyoku ( _ja. 在京キー局,Key stations in Tokyo) or Kī_kyoku ( _ja. キー局,Key stations). In radio broadcasting there are also key stations.

The key stations make news shows and entertainment programs, and wholesale them to local broadcasting stations through the networks. Although local broadcasting stations also manufacture programs, the usage of the key stations is very large, and 55.7% of the TV program total sales in the 2002 fiscal year (April 2002 to March 2003) were sold by the key stations. Furthermore, the networks are strongly connected with newspaper publishing companies, and they influence the media very strongly. For this reason, they are often criticized.

In addition, there is CS broadcasting and Internet distribution by the subsidiaries of the key stations. The definition of key station has changed a little in recent years.


In Japan, every broadcasting company (except NHK and Radio Nikkei) which performs terrestrial television broadcasts has an appointed broadcast region. Article 2 of the Japanese Broadcasting Law(放送法), Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications defines the fixed zone where the broadcast of the same program for every classification of broadcast is simultaneously receivable. So, the broadcasting company constructs a network with other regions, and with this network establishes the exchange of news or programs. The broadcasting companies which send out many programs to these networks are called key stations.

Presently the broadcasting stations located in Tokyo send out the programs for the whole country. However, although TOKYO MX is in the Tokyo region, it is only an Tokyo region UHF independent station.

Broadcasting stations in Nagoya and other areas are older than those in Tokyo. However, in order to meet the large costs of making programs key stations were established in Tokyo to sell programs nationwide. Some local stations have a higher profit ratio since they can merely buy programs from the networks.

Jun kī kyoku

Since the broadcasting stations which assign the head offices in Kansai region (especially in Osaka) have a program supply frame at prime time etc. and sent out many programs subsequently to kī kyoku, they are called jun kī kyoku _ja. 準キー局,sub key stations). テレビ大阪は、他の在阪局と異なり大阪府域局であり、自主制作番組の割合も10%程度で、全国放送する番組も少ないので準キー局として扱わないのが一般的である。また、準キー局はローカル編成も活発であるからか、外の地方で民放の少ない地域の局に対して、自社発全国同時ネット番組について他系列番組への差し替えを、キー局よりは積極的に認める傾向を持っている。






Kī kyoku and Jun kī kyoku

Terrestrial television
系列Kī kyoku (KantōJun kī kyoku (Kinki基幹局(Chūkyō備考
Nippon News Network
Nippon Television (NTV) Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation (ytv) Chūkyō Television Broadcasting (CTV) [*一般番組供給はNNSがある。]
Japan News Network
Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS) Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting (CBC) *1975年までJNNとANNの準キー局が互いに逆であった(ネットチェンジを参照)。一般番組供給はJNNにはTBSネットワーク、ANNにはテレビ朝日ネットワークがある。]
Fuji News Network
Fuji Television (CX) Kansai Telecasting Corporation (KTV) Tōkai Television Broadcasting (THK) [*一般番組供給はFNSがある。]
All-Nippon News Network(ANN)TV Asahi (EX) Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Nagoya Broadcasting Network (Mētere・NBN)*1975年までJNNとANNの準キー局が互いに逆であった(ネットチェンジを参照)。一般番組供給はJNNにはTBSネットワーク、ANNにはテレビ朝日ネットワークがある。]
TV Tokyo Network
TV Tokyo (TX) Television Osaka (TVO) Aichi Television Broadcasting (TVA) [*テレビ大阪およびテレビ愛知は県域局。なお、テレビ大阪がプライムタイムに番組供給枠を有しているのは1番組(「発進!時空タイムス」- 2007年6月18日をもって放送終了)のみ。]
AM Radio
Japan Radio Network(JRN) TBS Radio & Communications (TBS R&C) Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS)
Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
中部日本放送 (CBC) *キー局が全てを取り仕切る一方通行方式である為、準キー局は厳密には存在しない。]
National Radio Network
Nippon Cultural Broadcasting (QR)
Nippon Broadcasting System (LF)
Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS)
Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
Osaka Broadcasting Corporation(Radio Osaka,OBC)
東海ラジオ放送 (SF) *キー局が全てを取り仕切る一方通行方式である為、準キー局は厳密には存在しない。]
FM Radio
JFNTokyo FM (TOKYO FM) fm osaka (fm osaka) (FM AICHI) [*各局とも県域局。番組制作会社であるジャパンエフエムネットワーク(JFNC)はキー局に近い形態で、地方局に多数の番組を供給している。]
JFLJ-WAVEFM802ZIP-FM [*各局とも県域局。なおJFLはキー局を置いていない(事実上の幹事局はJ-WAVE)。また、ネットワークとして密なものでなく、情報交換や一部番組交換にとどまる。]
InterFMFM CocoloRadio-i [*各局とも放送地域は、各広域圏内の外国語放送実施地域。ネットワークとして密なものでなく、情報交換や一部番組交換にとどまる。]







It is criticized that the key stations are governing the local broadcasting stations with the power of the networks. [ [ 【第7回】ネット進出より“おいしい”キー局と地方局の関係 (ネット狂騒時代、テレビ局の憂鬱):NBonline(日経ビジネス オンライン) ] ] 。



ee also



* 中野明 『最新放送業界の動向とカラクリがよ〜くわかる本』 秀和システム、2005年、ISBN 4798009873


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