International POPs Elimination Network

International POPs Elimination Network

The International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) is a global network of NGOs dedicated to the common aim of eliminating persistent organic pollutants.

IPEN is comprised of public interest non-governmental organizations who support a common platform for the global elimination of POPs. The Participating Organizations (POs) of IPEN are those NGOs which have endorsed the POPs Elimination Platform and/or the Stockholm Declaration. Because the network is primarily engaged in facilitating information exchange and in supporting activities of its constituents, and because the purpose of the network does not include developing network-wide-policy statements, strategies, or action plans, a formal decision-making process for the network can be simple, flexible, and largely administrative in nature. (IPEN 2005)


IPEN is also an abbreviation for the International Plant Exchange Network.

See also

* Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
* POP Air Pollution Protocol
* Stockholm Convention

External references

* [ IPEN Official Website]

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