International nongovernmental organization

International nongovernmental organization

An international nongovernmental organization (INGO) is a voluntary association of organizations or individuals for worldwide or regional action.

The term nongovernmental organization or NGO is sometimes used to describe these groups, although it more correctly refers to an entity working domestically. Both terms, NGO and INGO, should be differentiated from intergovernmental organizations or IGOs, which describes groups such as the United Nations or the International Labour Organization.


An INGO may be founded by private philanthropy, such as the Carnegie, Rockefeller, Gates and Ford Foundations, or as an adjunct to existing international organizations, such as the Catholic or Lutheran churches. A surge in the founding of development INGOs occurred during World War II, some of which would later become the large development INGOs Oxfam, Catholic Relief Services, CARE International, and Lutheran World Relief.


Major INGOs include: World Organization of the Scout Movement, CARE International, Mercy Corps, Oxfam International, World Vision International, Save the Children Alliance, Amnesty International, Caritas International, MBAs Without Borders, International Rescue Committee, International POPs Elimination Network, and Compassion International.

ee also

*Foundation (charity)
*Non-profit organization
*Think tank

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