Secretary of State of Maine

Secretary of State of Maine

The Secretary of State of Maine is the chief elections officer in that U.S. state. The Secretary of State is also responsible for the Maine State Archives, as well as for chartering corporations. The Secretary of State is elected to four year terms, concurrent with the other constitutional officers of Maine, and is restricted by term limits to only two terms. The incumbent is Matthew Dunlap, who took office in January 2005, and is eligible for reelection.

*1820-21 Ashur Ware, Portland
*1822-28 Amos Nichols, Augusta
*1829-30 Edward Russell, North Yarmouth
*1831-34 Roscoe G. Greene, Portland
*1835-37 Asaph R. Nichols, Augusta
*1838 Samuel P. Benson, Winthrop
*1839 Asaph R. Nichols, Augusta
*1840 Philip C. Johnson, Augusta
*1841 Samuel P. Benson, Winthrop
*1842-44 Philip C. Johnson, Augusta
*1845 William B. Hartwell, Augusta
*1846-49 E.B. French, Damariscotta
*1850-53 John G. Sawyer, Augusta
*1854-55 Alden Jackson, Augusta
*1856 Caleb R. Ayer, Cornish
*1857 Alden Jackson, Augusta
*1858-60 Noah Smith, Jr., Calais
*1861-63 Joseph B. Hall, Presque Isle
*1864-67 Ephraim Flint, Jr., Dover
*1868-71 Franklin M. Drew, Brunswick
*1872-74 Geo. B. Stacy, Richmond (resigned)
*1875 Sidney Perham, Paris (filled vacancy)
*1876-78 S.J. Chadbourne, E., Dixmont
*1879 Edward H. Gove, Biddeford
*1880 S.J. Chadbourne, Augusta
*1881-84 Joseph O. Smith, Augusta
*1885-92 Oramandal Smith, Litchfield
*1891-96 Nicholas Fessenden, Fort Fairfield
*1897-1906 Byron Boyd, Augusta
*1907-10 Arthur I. Brown, Belfast
*1911-12 Cyrus W. Dabis, Waterville
*1913-14 Joseph E. Alexander, Richmond
*1915-16 John E. Bunker, Eden
*1917-26 Frank W. Ball, Dover
*1927-32 Edgar C. Smith, Augusta
*1933-34 Robinson C. Tobey, Augusta
*1935-36 Lewis O. Barrows, Newport
*1937-41 Frederick Robie, Gorham
*1942-60 Harold I. Goss, Gardiner
*1961-64 Paul A. MacDonald, Coopers Mills
*1965-66 Kenneth M. Curtis, Cape Elizabeth
*1967-74 Joseph T. Edgar, Farmingdale
*1975-78 Markham L. Gartley, Greenville
*1979-88 Rodney S. Quinn, Augusta
*1989-96 G. William Diamond, Windham
*1997-2004 Dan Gwadosky, Fairfield
*2005- Matthew Dunlap, Old Town

References and external links

* [ List of Secretaries of State of Maine]
* [ Official Maine Secretary of State site]

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