- Emmanuel Community
The Emmanuel Community is a
Catholic association of the faithful, of Pontifical right, founded in 1976 by Pierre Goursat and Martine Lafitte-Catta, starting from a prayer group, belonging to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.Aims
The Community consists of members with different states of life(families, singles,
priest s andcelibate brothers and sisters having the most different professions and trying to live a fraternal life in the world. It sees its aim as to respond toGod 's call to holiness addressed to each person, mainly through intense personalprayer ,Eucharistic adoration , compassion for the spiritually and materially poor andevangelization .Members are helped to grow spiritually in various ways: "household meetings" (small groups of members, meeting regularly for prayer and reflection onGod 's action in their lives, " spiritual companionship" (personal meeting with a more experienced member), monthly meetings of all the members in a country or region.Activities
The Emmanuel Community organizes (generally weekly) prayer groups in various cities around the world. It organizes international or national "sessions" (meetings of
evangelization and Christian formation, tailor-made for various social and professional groups) as well as youth forums, in various locations. It has been entrusted with the task of animating variouspilgrimage sites such asParay-le-Monial and L'Ile Bouchard inFrance Altoetting inGermany and so on.Oncebishop s entrust aparish to apriest belonging to the Emmanuel Community, the members in the vicinity are themselves entrusted with animating and helping parish activities.The Community operates international, 9-month formation programs called Mission Schools inParay-le-Monial ,France ,Rome ,Italy ,Altoetting ,Germany ,Vienna ,Austria andFatima ,Portugal , as well as evangelization evening schools in various locations around the world.It also operates Fidesco,anNGO whose purpose is to send young professionals from the developed world on solidarity missions in underdevelopped countries.Organization
In 2005, the Emmanuel Community had 7200 members in 52 countries on 5 continents. Among those, there were 200
priest s, about 100seminarian s and 100 persons, male and female, living in consecratedcelibacy .Internationally, the Community is led by a General Moderator (always a lay person), helped by an International Council, both elected for a 5-year mandate. The national sections ("provinces") of the Community are led by a national person-in-charge, nominated by the International Council.External links
* [http://www.emmanuel.info/?set_language=en Official site of the Emmanuel Community]
* [http://www.fidesco-international.org Fidesco official site]Bibliography
Fire and hope : Pierre Goursat, founder of the Emmanuel Community (translated by Michelle K. Borras). Paris : éditions de l'Emmanuel, 2005. 216 pp.-16 pp. de pl., 24 cm. ISBN 2-915313-40-7.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.