Gliese 777 c

Gliese 777 c

Planetbox begin
name = Gliese 777 c
Planetbox star
star = Gliese 777A
constell = Cygnus
ra = RA|20|03|37.41
dec = DEC|+29|53|48.50
dist_ly = 51.81
dist_pc = 15.89
class = G6IV
Planetbox orbit
semimajor = 0.128 ± 0.002
eccentricity = 0.01 ± 0.1
period = 17.1 ± 0.015
inclination = ?
ang_dist = 8.055
long_peri = 153.7 ± 32
t_peri = 2,450,000.07 ± 0.9
semi-amp = 4.6 ± 1.1
Planetbox character
mass = >0.057
mass_earth = >18
temperature = ~717
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date = 24 June 2005
discoverers = Marcy "et al."
discovery_site = flag|United States
discovery_method = Doppler spectroscopy
discovery_status = Published
Planetbox catalog
names = BD+29°3872(A)cFact|date=August 2008, Gliese 777(A)c, HD 190360(A)c, HIP 98767(A)cFact|date=August 2008, HR 7670(A)cFact|date=August 2008

Gliese 777 c, often cataloged as Gliese 777 Ac or simply HD 190360 c, is an extrasolar planet approximately 52 light-years away in the constellation of Cygnus. The planet was discovered orbiting the primary star of the Gliese 777 system in June of 2005 using the radial velocity method. The planet was once called the "smallest extrasolar planet discovered", but this is currently no longer the case. With a minimum mass just 18 times that of the Earth, the planet is likely a "hot Neptune" planet, a small Jovian planet, or possibly a large terrestrial planet (a super-Earth).

See also

* Gliese 436 b
* Gliese 777 b
* Gliese 876 b
* MOA-2007-BLG-192L b


*cite journal | url= | author=Vogt "et al." | title=Five New Multicomponent Planetary Systems| journal=The Astrophysical Journal| year=2005 | volume=632 | issue=1 | pages=638658 | doi=10.1086/432901

External links


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