Akuma Choujin

Akuma Choujin

nihongo|Akuma Choujin|悪魔超人,|Devil Supermen are a type of Choujin from Yudetamago's manga and anime series Kinnikuman and it's sequel Ultimate Muscle ("Kinnikuman Nisei").


In Kinnikuman (as well as Kinnikuman Nisei), there are two different meanings to the words Akuma Choujin given by Yudetamago.

In the broader definition, the Akuma Choujin are a race of Choujin who reside in the nihongo|Demon Realm|魔界,|Makai (or are their descendants). The race was founded by nihongo|Satan|サタン, who had done so for the sole reason of obtaining the power of the nihongo|General Stone|ジェネラル・ストーン.

In the more narrow definition, they are Choujin who have sold their bodies, minds, and blood to Satan and follow his will through different factions: The nihongo|Seven Devil Choujin|7人の悪魔超人,|Shichi-nin no Akuma Choujin, nihongo|Six Devil Knights|悪魔六騎士,|Akuma Roku Kishi, and nihongo|Demon Seed|悪魔の種子 all fight against the Seigi Choujin under the control of Satan. Additionally, the nihongo|Nightmares|ナイトメアズ was formed by a former Demon Knight, Sunshine.

Furthermore, their history is long, and therefore their long battle against the Seigi Choujin is not limited to just the characters in the "Kinnikuman" and "Nisei".

even Devil Choujin

The Seven Devil Choujins were the reputed to be the most powerful and ruthless choujins in the universe. According to Harabote Muscle it took 100,000 Seigi Choujin to capture them and imprison them in a space roach motel. They were accidentally freed by Kinnikuman. Desiring to fight the strongest Seigi Choujin, they split Meat's body into pieces to force Kinnikuman to fight them.

teCase King

*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Belgium flagicon|Belgium
*Age: 21
*Height: 214 cm
*Weight: 700 kg
*Choujin Kyoudo: 2,500,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: Devil's Symphony, Choujin Encyclopedia
*First Appearance: 7 Devil Choujins Arc

nihongo|SteCase King|ステカセキング, or Stereo-Cassette King, was a choujin based on a Walkman, and the weakest of Buffaloman's henchmen. He was the first of the seven evil chojin to fight Kinnikuman. He could load a cassette into himself which would give him the abilities of a certain choujin. This led to his downfall, however, when he used an outdated cassette of Kinnikuman to finish Kin with his own moves, only to learn that Suguru had become a much braver and stronger fighter since then. Kinnikuman then defeated him with a Kinniku Buster. Theme Song: nihongo|Secret Cassette Transformation|㊙カセット大変身|Maruhi Casetto Dai Henshin by Masanori Sato.

*One of the 7 Devil Choujins

*Fat Pig
*The Choujin with 1,000 Bodies

*Issei Futamata

Black Hole


*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Australia flagicon|Australia
*Age 24
*Height: 178 cm
*Weight: 94 kg
*Choujin Kyoudo: 1,450,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: Water Magnum, Atlantis Driver, Saint Helen's Eruption
*First Appearance: 7 Devil Choujin Arc

nihongo|Atlantis|アトランティス was a gillman-type choujin who had mental control over liquid and became stronger when he fought underwater. He first fought Robin Mask and gained the upper hand, killing his opponent when he lured Robin underwater by throwing Meat's body part into the lake on which the ring floated. He did a number on Kinnikuman as well, but ultimately Kin defeated him.

*One of the 7 Devil Choujins

;Win/Loss Record
*O Robin Mask (Atlantis Driver)
*X Kinnikuman (Kinniku Buster)

*Kazuhiko Kishino

The Mountain

*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Mt. Everest, Nepal flagicon|Nepal
*Height: 285 cm
*Weight: 1,000 kg
*Choujin Kyoudo: 500,000 Power
*Trademark Technique: Mountain Drop
*First Appearance: 7 Devil Choujin Arc

nihongo|The Mountain|ザ・魔雲天 was an enormous rocky choujin from the Himalayas. He fought Terryman and although a tough opponent, was defeated when Terry brainbustered him. Theme Song: "Jigoku no Yamanami (Hellish Mountains)" by Takayuki Miyauchi.

*One of the 7 Devil Choujins

*Yonehiko Kitagawa

Mister Khamen

*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Egypt flagicon|Egypt|1972
*Age: 27
*Height: 200 cm
*Weight: 150 kg
*Choujin Kyoudo: 1,300,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: Mummy Package, Hellish Fang, Maki-Maki
*First Appearance: 7 Devil Choujins Arc

nihongo|Mister Khamen|ミスターカーメン, also written as Mister Carmen, is an Ancient Egypt Choujin and a parody of Tutankhamen. He fought Brocken Jr. in his match, and was about to win when a mysterious stranger (Mongolman) dropped a smoke bomb into the ring and entered the fight to defeat Mr. Khamen. Theme Song: "Faroo no Noroi (The Pharaoh's Curse)" by Junichi Kawauchi.

*Pyramid Power Death Match Champion

*One of the 7 Devil Choujins

*Ryōichi Tanaka; Kouji Totani (ep. 60); Hideyuki Hori (theme song)


*Classification: Akuma ChoujinSeigi Choujin
*Homeland: Greece flagicon|Greece
*Age: 4,000
*Height: 194 cm
*Weight: 600 kg
*Choujin Kyoudo: 3,200,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: Devil Tomboy, Jumping Muscle Crush (anime version)
*First Appearance: 7 Devil Choujins Arc

nihongo|Springman|スプリングマン was a giant spring with arms and legs. He fought Wolfman in his first match, and constricted himself around the seigi choujin until Wolfman was literally torn to pieces. He tag-teamed with Buffaloman for the final match of the story arc and was finally taken down by Mongolman after the Seigi Choujin used his sweat and body heat to create a rain cloud that made Springman rust and weaken. Tag Techniques with Buffaloman: Spring Bazooka, Choujin Dodgeball.

*One of the 7 Devil Choujins

;Win/Loss Record
*O Wolfman (Devil Tomboy)
*X Mongolman (Leg Lariat)

*Hideyuki Tanaka

Buffaloman (former)

ix Devil Knights




The Ninja



*Classification: Akuma ChoujinSeigi ChoujinAkuma Choujin
*Homeland: Demon Realm
*Age: 24, 25 (Dream Tag), 26 (Throne Arc), 60 ()
*Height: 203 cm
*Weight: 200 kg
*Choujin Kyoudo: 10,000,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: Hell's Tornado, Ashura Buster, Ashura Piledriver
*Tag Teams: Stray Devil Choujin Combo (Sunshine)
*Trainer: Samson Teacher
*First Appearance: Manga Chapter 169Ashuraman had six arms and three interchangeable faces. He was also a prince from the Demon Realm. He is named after the Buddhist warlike deities, the Asura (阿修羅 "Ashura").

*Daisuke Gouri in Kinnikuman
*Ken Yamaguchi in Scramble for the Throne


Rex King

Check Mate (former)

Demon Seed

The Constellation

*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Iceland flagicon|Iceland
*Choujin Kyoudo: 8,200,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: nihongo|Purple Rose of Cairo|カイロの紫のバラ,|Kairo no Murasaki no Bara, nihongo|Nuvoa Suplex|ヌボア・スープレックス
*First Appearance: (Nisei) Manga Chapter ??

nihongo|The Constellation|ザ・コンステレーション is a 4D Fighter Choujin with a constellation design drawn all over his body. When the constellation design on his face changes, he is capable of transforming into any constellation. He holds Meat's torso.

He defeats Buffaloman and then fights against Mantarou. Although he absorbs Mantarou's power and manages to defeat the Muscle Millennium, in the end he is defeated with an Incomplete Muscle Gravity.

*Laugh: nihongo|Kara-Kara-Kara~|カラカラカラ

*Demon Seed No. 1


*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Marseille, France flagicon|France
*Choujin Kyoudo: 8,540,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: nihongo|Micro Geppar|マイクロ・ゲッパー, nihongo|Rolling Water|ローリング・ウォーター, nihongo|Buzz Saw Fin|パズソーフィン
*First Appearance: (Nisei) Manga Chapter ??

nihongo|Gepparland|ゲッパーランド is and Aquatic Choujin in the form of a fish. He is capable of producing miniature versions of himself known as "Micro Geppars". He holds Meat's left arm.

He fights and is defeated by Hanzou, and is afterwards killed by General Terror.

*Laugh: "'nihongo|Geppappa~|ゲッパッパ

*Demon Seed No. 2


*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Chicago, Illinois, U.S. flagicon|United States of America
*Choujin Kyoudo: 9,540,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: nihongo|Double Tube Attack|ダブルチューブアタック, nihongo|Demolition Horn|デモリッション・ホルン
*First Appearance: (Nisei) Manga Chapter ??

nihongo|Meltdown|メルトダウン is a Robo Choujin who can transform into a motorbike. He fights against Ilioukhine and torments him with psychological warfare by threatening to drop Meat's right arm into the boiling pot below their ring.

He uses his nihongo|Choujin Navigation|超人ナビゲーション system to learn the weaknesses of his opponents. His Choujin Navigation relys on an electro-magnetic wave from a satellite, and when this weakness is attacked he is defeated with The Turbulence. Afterwards, the special ring collapses and he and Ilioukhine fall to their deaths.

*Laugh: nihongo|Buro~n-Buroro~n|ブロンブロロ

*Demon Seed No. 3

The Tattooman

*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Hokkaidō, Japan flagicon|Japan
*Choujin Kyoudo: 8,600,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: nihongo|Great Edo 808th Street Drop|大江戸八百八町落とし,|Dai Edo Happyakuhachi-chou Otoshi, nihongo|Tears of Blood: Arching Shrimp Persecution|血涙・海老反り責め,|Ketsurui: Ebisori Seme
*First Appearance: (Nisei) Manga Chapter ??

nihongo|The Tattooman|ザ・タトゥーマン is a Wafu Choujin. He hides a jitte underneath the snowflake tattos on his right arm and possesses several dolls, a Choujin Usu, and various other weapons. He holds Meat's left leg and fights Barrierfreeman to a draw.

*Laugh: nihongo|Kanra-Kanra|カンラカンラ

*Demon Seed No. 4


*Classification: Akuma Choujin
*Homeland: Jamaica flagicon|Jamaica
*Choujin Kyoudo: 12,000,000 Power
*Trademark Techniques: nihongo|Tesla Coil|テスラコイル, nihongo|Megahertz Tempest|メガヘルツ・テンペスト, nihongo|Fatal Square|魔の四角窓ファタールスクエア
*First Appearance: (Nisei) Manga Chapter ??

nihongo|Voltman|ボルトマン is a living microwave oven who has a plutonium battery in his body and is able to attack his opponent with electricity. He can alter his already large size and has tremendous power. When he pulls out one of his trademark dreadlocks, they swell up and transform into various electronic appliances. Unless he regularly imbibes Seigi Choujin blood, he can become very ill. He holds Meat's right leg.

He first teams up with Ashuraman as The Demolitions and defeats the Blood Evolutions tag team, which consists of Kevin Mask and Scarface. In a return match, they face The Botchans - Mantarou and Kevin Mask. After Voltman is defeated by their NIKULAP tag technique, Ashuraman sends him plummeting from the ring to his death. As his general stone is removed, he shrivels up into a mummy.

*Laugh: nihongo|Do-heh, Do-heh|ドヘッドヘッ

*Demon Seed No. 5

*nihongo|Choujin Power Plant|超人発電所,|Choujin Hatsudensho


Akuma Shogun

amson Teacher

Ashurman's Father

Ashuraman's Mother



Tel Tel Boy


ee also

*List of Characters from Ultimate Muscle

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