- Belleville, Rhône
French commune
nomcommune = Belleville
longitude = 4.75
latitude = 46.10944
région =Rhône-Alpes
département = Rhône
arrondissement = Villefranche-sur-Saône
canton =Canton of Belleville
intercomm = "Communauté de communes Beaujolais-Val-de-Saône "
maire = Bernard Fialaire
mandat =
alt mini = 169 m
alt maxi = 225 m
hectares = 1042
alt moy = 191 m
km² = 10.42
sans = 5,840
date-sans = 1999
dens = 560
insee = 69019
cp = 69220Belleville is a town and "commune" in the Rhône "département" of the
Rhône-Alpes "région" inFrance .External links
* [http://www.ign.fr/affiche_rubrique.asp?rbr_id=1087&CommuneId=65405 Belleville] at "
Institut Géographique National "
* [http://www.recensement.insee.fr/RP99/rp99/co_navigation.co_page?nivgeo=C&codgeo=69019&theme=ALL&typeprod=ALL&lang=FR&quelcas=LISTE Belleville] at "Insee "
* [http://www.quid.fr/communes.html?mode=detail&id=35697&req=Belleville Belleville] at "Quid"
* [http://www.lion1906.com/Pages/ResultatLocalisation.php?InseeVille=690019 Belleville] at "Localisation Interactive Orthodromie et Navigation"
* [http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?latlongtype=decimal&latitude=46.1094&longitude=4.75&zoom=8 Belleville] atMapQuest
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.