- History of A Coruña
A Coruña ,Spain is located on a promontory in the entrance of an estuary in a big gulf, the "Portus Magnus Artabrorum", name of the area used by classical geographers.Prehistory
A Coruña (or La Coruña) expanded after the construction between the island were "
Tower of Hercules " is located and the mainland. The oldest part, known popularly as "Cidade Vella" or "Ciudad Vieja" (Old City), "Cidade Alta" or "Ciudad Alta" (High City) or the "Cidade" or "Ciudad" (City), is built on an ancient Celticcastro . Its inhabitants were called the "Artabrian s", and gave their name to the city in ancient times.Roman times
The Romans reached the area in the 2nd and 1st centuries b.C-;
Julius Caesar stayed in the city in the year 62 b.C. The town started growing, mainly during the 1st and 2nd centuries (when theTorre de Hércules ) was built; population growth dropped after the 4th century and especially due to the incursions of the Normans, that forced the population to flee toward the interior of theEstuary of O Burgo ).Middle Ages
After the fall of the
Roman Empire , A Coruña still posessed a commercial port connected with foreign countries, but contacts with theMediterranean were slowly replaced by the European atlantic front. But the process of deurbanization that followed the fall of the Romans also affected the city. Between the 7th and 8th centuries the city remained a small town of labourers and sailors who worked mainly on the beach.The
Iriensian Cronic -written in the 11th century-, names Faro do Burgo (ancient name of A Coruña) as one of the dioceses that kingMiro granted to the episcopate ofIria Flavia in the year 572:"Mirus Rex Sedi suae Hiriensi contulit Dioceses, scilicet Morratium, Salinensem, (...) Bregantinos, Farum..."
" [King Miro granted to his iriensi headquarters the dioceses of Morrazo, Salnés (...). Bergantiños, Faro...] "
The Arabian invasion of the peninsula didn't affect the archeologic remains of the city, and it can't be guaranteed that they actually reached the city itself. The main problem that the inhabitants of the city faced in the Middle Ages were Norman "razzies". During the 9th century were produced several Viking attacks to the city, called in that time Faro or Faro Bregancio.
In the year 991, king Bermudo II started the construction of military positions in the coast, with a defensive role. At Faro, in the ruins of the
Tower of Hercules , was built a fortress, that had a permanent military guarnition. To pay it, gives the power over the city to the bishop of Santiago. He will be the main figure of Galicia until 15th century.In 1208, Afonso IX founded again "Crunia". With the privilege of disembarking and selling
salt without paying taxes, the city enjoyed a big fishing and mercant development. The city grew and it extended towards the peninsula. In 1446Xoán II granted to A Coruña the title of "City". TheCatholic Kings established in this city theRoyal Audience of the Kingdom of Galicia , lefting Compostela. A Coruña also received the headquarters of the General Captain.Modern era
Carlos I met in A Coruña the Courts that will proclaimed him emperor, and theGovernment of the Kingdom of Galicia was allowed between 1522 and 1529 to distribute in Europe spices. Commerce with theIndies was allowed between 1529 and 1575. As protection was built theCastle of San Antón .From its port left in 1554 Philip II to married with
Mary Tudor and in 1588 the Invincible Navy. In the following yearFrancis Drake besieged it, but he was rejected, and then it was born the legend ofMaría Pita , when this woman taken the weapon of his death man and continued shooting. After burned themonastery of San Domingos and other places, the English soldiers withdrew onMay 19 .In the 16th and 17th centuries, the wars of the Spanish monarchy caused an high growth of the taxes and the compulsory recruitment of the population. In 1620, Philip III created the School of the Boys of the Sea. In 1682 the Tower of Hercules was restored by
Antúnez .In 1804 was created the National Factory of Cigarettes, and there had its origins the workers movement on the city. During 19th century were slowly established another business (glass, fundition, textiles, gas, matches, etc.), but were the sea business and the migrations what attracted Catalan, Belgian, French or English inversions. The Bank of A Coruña was founded in 1857. The new provincial division of 1832 also influenced in the economic development.
19th century
Resistance during the Spanish independence war was led by
Sinforiano López , andA Coruña was the only Galician city that achieved good results against the French troops. OnJanuary 16 ,1809 , in the more important battle, theBattle of Elviña , the French troops hounded the English troops that fled, and there was dead the English general Sir John Moore. French troops left Galicia at the end of May.On
August 19 ,1815 ,Juan Díaz Porlier , "O Marquesiño", pronounced againstFernando VII in defense of theSpanish Constitution of 1812 . He was supported by thebourgeoisie and the intellectual people. But inAugust 22 he was betraied. Two months after that he was hung in the Campo da Leña. In all the rebellions of the 19th century, A Coruña supported the liberal band. A Coruña also played an important role in theRexurdimento , and there were founded theGalician Royal Academy in 1906 and theBrotherhoods of the Galician Language in 1916.20th century
At the beginning of 20th century, A Coruña had about 45.000 inhabitants. After the decade of 1960, it recovered the business initiative that losts, with
Barrié de la Maza (Banco Pastor ,Fenosa , Aluminio de Galicia, Genosa, Emesa, etc.).Elections of 1931
In the
Spanish general elections of 1931 , all the political parties knew that the electoral results will had important political consequences. It was very important the campaign ofUnión Monárquica inA Coruña , supported byEl Ideal Gallego . Republicans and socialists constituted a block, integrated byORGA , independent republicans,PSOE and thePartido Radical Socialista .In the elections, the republican parties obtained 34 of the 39 council seats. The better results were of the ORGA and of the Partido Radical Socialista, and the
Partido Radical lost a lot of support.During the dictatorship of Francisco Franco
After the
Spanish Civil War , supporters of the republic were forced to go to exile, and those that remained in the country suffered repression by the new government. Supporters of the fascist faction occupped all the charges of the "depurates", obtaining university titulations "by war". In the meantime, the Nazis murdered 13 citiziens of A Coruña inManthausen ["Historia de la ciudad de La Coruña", page 509 (José Ramón Barreiro Fernández ), Biblioteca Gallega.] .A group of franquists, leadered by
Pedro Barrié , bought thePazo de Meirás . They gave it to the dictator to his summer vacances. In the year1970 ,ETA was near of kill Franco, but logistic failed at the last moment.Democracy arrives again
From 1983 to 2006, the mayor of the city was
Francisco Vázquez Vázquez (PSOE ), and the city became a city of services, but he also was criticised because his offenses to thegalician language and his urbanistic politics. OnJanuary 20 ,2006 Paco Vázquez was named ambassador inVatican City , and he was replaced by Javier Losada. Now the local government is a coalition of the two left-wing parties,PSdeG andBNG .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.