- Pronunciation spelling
A pronunciation spelling of a word is a spelling intentionally different from the standard spelling, used to emphasize a particular pronunciation of the word. The spelling uses the regular spelling rules of the language. Most are nonce coinages, but some have become standardised, e.g. "gonna" to represent the pronunciation of "going to," as in "I'm gonna catch you."
Pronunciation spellings may be used informally to indicate the pronunciation of foreign words or those whose spelling is irregular or not sufficient to deduce the pronunciation. This is called respelling. In such cases,
typeface ,punctuation orletter case may also be used, e.g. to indicate stress or syllabication::"Diarrhoea" is pronounced DYE-uh-REE-aThis offers a sometimes intuitive alternative to systems like theInternational Phonetic Alphabet , which offer precise descriptions but need to be learned. However, it relies on the writer's encoding mapping to the samephoneme s as the reader's; e.g. :"Föhn " is pronounced "Fern" might be adequate for anon-rhotic reader but not a rhotic one.seealso|Pronunciation respelling for English for conventions used by various English dictionaries
Literary dialect
Pronunciation spellings are frequently used in narratives to represent
nonstandard dialect s oridiolect s, often to create an impression of backwardness orilliteracy . This is called literary dialect, or often calledeye dialect , though originally the latter term was applied only where the resulting pronunciation is the same as the standard one, e.g.:"Pleese, mistur," said the beggar.Other uses
Pronunciation spellings as deliberate misspellings may be used for humorous effect; a craze for this in the
United States in the 1830s included "Oll Korrect" for 'All Correct', later reduced to OK.Fact|date=August 2007Such spellings may also be used for
brand ing, e.g. "Lite" foods,Toys "Я" Us .ee also
Heterography Links
* [http://homepage.ntlworld.com/vivian.c/SpellingVarieties/EyeDialect.htm Vivian Cook's page of common eye dialect]
* Bowdre, Paul H., Jr. (1971). Eye dialect as a literary device. In J. V. Williamson & V. M. Burke (Eds.), "A various language" (pp. 178-179). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
* Fine, Elizabeth. (1983). In defense of literary dialect: A response to Dennis R. Preston. "The Journal of American Folklore", "96" (381), 323-330.
* Ives, Sumner. (1950). A theory of literary dialect. "Tulane Studies in English", "2", 137-182.
* Ives, Sumner. (1971). A theory of literary dialect. In J. V. Williamson & V. M. Burke (Eds.), "A various language" (pp. 145-177). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
* Krapp, George P. (1926). The psychology of dialect writing. "The Bookman", "6", 522-527.
* Preston, Dennis R. (1982). Ritin' fowklower daun 'rong: Folklorists' failures in phonology. "The Journal of American Folklore", "95" (377), 304-326.
* Preston, Dennis R. (1983). Mowr bayud spellin': A reply to Fine. "The Journal of American Folklore", "96" (381), 330-339.
* Preston, Dennis R. (1985). The Li'l Abner syndrome: Written representations of speech. "American Speech", "60" (4), 328-336.
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