XXXDial is a spyware/dialer application currently (as of December 2004) causing havoc in the UK. It changes a victim's PPP settings so that it automatically tries to reconnect to a premium rate number, as opposed to a user's normal dial-in number.

It has been noted that the dialer does not give any indication to the user that they are using anything different from their standard ISP's number while they are actually being charged a rate up to 200 times their normal dialup rate.

The dialer is found "in the wild" on websites and with software that is often adult in nature. As a result, it can be very difficult for victims to explain their huge phone bills away.

Like most malicious dialers, this dialer only affects computers running Microsoft Windows - there are no known "ports" of this 'tool' to other OSes.

For information, see Dialer.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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