- Budget of Kraków
The budget of the city of
Kraków , which is presented by theMayor of Kraków on the 15th of November each year, in 2006 had a projected revenue of 2,150 millionzłoty . [Bulletin of Public Information for the City of Kraków. Publisher: Wydział Strategii i Rozwoju Miasta, 2005-05-04. Author: Wojciech Piątkowski, inspector [] ] The sources of revenue were as follows: 14% from the municipaltaxation onreal estate properties as well as on the use of amenities, 3% in taxes collected by Collections Office, 7% from sale and lease of city-owned properties, 30% in transfers from the nationalbudget based in federal income tax, 34% in state subsidies, 3% in union fees, 1% from tax on liquor sales permits, and 8% from vehicle registrations, passport fees and others.Projected expenditures, to the total amount of 2,349 million złoty, included: 79% in city maintenance costs, and 21% in city development costs. The maintenance costs were divided as follows: 39% toward education and childcare, 9% for the city infrastructure and lighting, 31% toward social services, 4% for culture and recreational facilities, 3% for mortgage repayments, 1% in transfers to poorer districts and 13% for other expenses including city administration.
City of Krakow development costs were divided as follows: 41% toward road building, transport and communication, 25% — city's infrastructure and environment, 2% for social housing, 8% for modernization of cultural facilities including museums, 15% for sports facilities, and 9% for hospitals, daycare centres and schools. [Biuletyn Statystyczny Miasta Krakowa, published online by BIP Kraków [http://www.bip.krakow.pl/?id=234] ]
Budget of the city of Krakow for the year 2006
Revenue and expenditures.
Source: Załącznik Nr 1 do uchwały Nr XCVIII/980/05 Rady Miasta Krakowaz dnia 21 grudnia 2005 r. [http://www.bip.krakow.pl/zalacznik.php?zal_id=2167]
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