List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1975

List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1975

=1975 U.S. and Canadian Fellows=

* Edward Ostrander Abbey, Deceased. Fiction: 1975.
* Claus Adam, Deceased. Music Composition: 1975
* Ai, Poet; Professor of English, Oklahoma State University: 1975. Appointed as Ogawa, Pelorhankhe Ai L'heah.
* Richard D. Altick, Regents' Professor Emeritus of English, The Ohio State University: 1975.
* Takeshi Amemiya, Professor of Economics, Stanford University: 1975.
* Guy Irving Anderson, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1975.
* Richard Lewis Arnowitt, Professor of Physics, Northeastern University: 1975.
* Joseph H. Aronson, Architectural Designer and Graphic Artist, Highmont, New York: 1975.
* Robert Jeffrey Art, Christian A. Herter Professor of Internal Relations, Brandeis University: 1975.
* Nina Baym, Jubilee Professor of English, Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 1975.
* Jeffery Francis Beardsall, Artist: 1975.
* Wayne Marvin Becker, Professor of Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison: 1975.
* Wayne E. Begley, Professor of Indian and Islamic Art History, University of Iowa: 1975.
* Marvin Hartley Bell, Poet; Flannery O'Connor Professor of Letters, University of Iowa: 1975.
* Nuel D. Belnap, Professor of Philosophy Sociology, and History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh: 1975.
* Dan Ben-Amos, Professor of Folklore & Folklife, University of Pennsylvania: 1975.
* Reinhard Bendix, Deceased. Political Science: 1975.
* Lynda Benglis, Artist, New York City: 1975.
* Billy Al Bengston, Artist, Venice, California: 1975.
* Stephen James Benkovic, Evan Pugh Professor of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University: 1975.
* Arthur Victor Berger, Composer; Irving G. Fine Professor Emeritus of Music, Brandeis University; Member of the Faculty, New England Conservatory: 1975.
* Toby Berger, Irwin and Joan Jacob Professor of Engineering, Cornell University: 1975.
* Natvar Bhavsar, Artist, New York City: 1975.
* Sheila Biddle, Historian, New York City: 1975.
* Allan David Bloom, Deceased. Political Science: 1975.
* Carol K. Blum, Research Professor of Humanities, State University of New York at Stony Brook: 1975.
* George Herbert Borts, George S. and Nancy B. Parker Professor of Economics, Brown University: 1975.
* Stanley Boxer, Artist, Ancramdale, New York: 1975.
* Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt, Professor of Fine Arts, New York University: 1975. Appointed as Weil-Garris, Kathleen. Applied as Posner, Kathleen Weil-Garris.
* David A. Brant, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine: 1975.
* Timothy Hall Breen, William Smith Mason Professor of American History, Northwestern University: 1975.
* Joan Wanda Bresnan, Professor of Linguistics, Stanford University: 1975.
* David Ross Brillinger, Professor of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley: 1975, 1982.
* Malcolm J. Brown, Professor of English, University of Washington: 1975.
* Trisha Brown, Choreographer; Artistic Director, Trisha Brown Dance Company, New York City: 1975, 1984.
* Virginia Brown, Senior Fellow, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto: 1975.
* Don Spencer Browning, Alexander Campbell Professor of Ethics and the Social Sciences, University of Chicago Divinity School: 1975.
* John D. Buenker, Professor of History and Ethnic Studies, University of Wisconsin-Parkside: 1975.
* Richard Williams Bulliet, Professor of History, Columbia University: 1975.
* Fritz Bultman, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1975.
* Matei Alexe Calinescu, Professor of Comparative Literature and West European Studies, Indiana University: 1975.
* Peter Campus, Artist, New York City: 1975.
* Marjorie C. Caserio, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of California, San Diego: 1975.
* Jonathan David Casper, Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University: 1975.
* Kai-Lai Chung, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Stanford University: 1975.
* Aaron V. Cicourel, Professor of Cognitive Science, Pediatrics and Sociology, University of California, San Diego: 1975.
* Herbert Horace Clark, Professor of Psychology, Stanford University: 1975.
* Martha Clarke, Choreographer and Theatre Artist, Sherman, Connecticut: 1975, 1988.
* John Louis Edwin Clubbe, Emeritus Professor of English, University of Kentucky: 1975.
* Harold Clurman, Deceased. Theatre Arts: 1975, 1979.
* Bruce Cole, Distinguished Professor of Fine Arts, Indiana University: 1975.
* Jonathan R. Cole, Provost, Columbia University: 1975.
* Paul J. Coleman, Jr., Professor of Space Phyusics; Director, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles: 1975.
* William Arthur Coles, Professor of Electrical Engineering,UCSD:1975
* Richard J. Colwell, Professor of Music, University of Michigan: 1975.
* Bruce Guldner Conner, Artist, San Francisco, California: 1975.
* Philip E. Converse, Retired President, Director, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California: 1975.
* Henry S. Cooper, Jr., Jr. Writer, New York City: 1975.
* James W. Corbett, Deceased. Physics: 1975.
* Lewis A. Coser, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook: 1975.
* Milton Curtis Cummings, Jr., Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University: 1975.
* Leopold Damrosch, Jr., Ernest Bernbaum Professor of English and American Literature, Harvard University: 1975.
* John H. D'Arms, President, American Council of Learned Societies: 1975.
* Paul A. David, Professor of Economics and William Robertson Coe Professor of American Economic History, Stanford University: 1975.
* Lawrence James Davis, Writer, Brooklyn, New York: 1975.
* Douglas Turner Day, III, Commonwealth Professor of English, University of Virginia: 1975.
* Paul Delany, Professor of English, Simon Fraser University: 1975.
* Bryce Seligman DeWitt, Jane and Roland Blumberg Professor of Physics, University of Texas at Austin: 1975.
* Paul Diamond, Photographer, Brooklyn, New York: 1975.
* John Patrick Diggins, Distinguished Professor of History, The Graduate School, CUNY: 1975.
* Norman Thomas di Giovanni, Writer and Translator, England: 1975.
* William Franklin Dove, George Streisinger Professor of Experimental Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison: 1975.
* José C. Durand, Deceased.Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* James Louis Dye, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Michigan State University: 1975, 1990.
* Mel Eugene Edwards, Artist; Professor of Visual Art, Livingston College, Rutgers University: 1975.
* Milton Ehre, Professor of Russian Literature, University of Chicago: 1975.
* Ernest L. Eliel, William Rand Kenan, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 1975, 1983.
* Edward Earle Ellis, Research Professor Emeritus of Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas: 1975.
* Ruth Snodgrass El Saffar, Deceased. Spanish & Portuguese Literature: 1975.
* Robert Porter Erickson, Douglas S. Holsclaw Professor of Human Genetics & Metabolic Diseases, University of Arizona: 1975.
* Wallace Gary Ernst, Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University: 1975.
* Norma Evenson, Professor Emeritus of Architectural History, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* Peter Paul Everwine, Poet; Professor of English, California State University, Fresno: 1975.
* Ronald Lyman Fair, Writer, Vantaa, Finland: 1975.
* Donald Fanger, Deceased. Slavic Literature: 1975.
* Herbert Federer, Florence Pirce Grant University Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Brown University: 1975.
* Jackie Ferrara, Artist, New York City: 1975.
* Robert Kaul Finn, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Cornell University: 1975.
* Stanley Martin Flatté, Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz: 1975.
* Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor of History, Columbia University: 1975.
* Richard Foreman, Playwright; Artistic Director, Ontological-Hysteric Theater, New York City: 1975.
* Kenneth Brian Frampton, Ware Professor of Architecture, Columbia University: 1975.
* Bernard Joel Frieden, Associate Dean, Ford Professor of Urban Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 1975.
* John Friedmann, Professor Emeritus of Planning, University of California, Los Angeles: 1975.
* Rose Epstein Frisch, Associate Professor Emerita of Population Sciences, Harvard University School of Public Health: 1975.
* William Cecil Gardiner, Jr., Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin: 1975.
* Sidney Geist, Artist; Lecturer in Art, Vassar College; Instructor in Sculpture, New York Studio School: 1975.
* Dante L. Germino, Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia: 1975.
* Alan Gewirth, Edward Carson Waller Distinguished Service Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago: 1975.
* Laura Gilpin, Deceased. Photography: 1975.
* Mirra Ginsburg, Translator, Editor, and Anthologist, New York City: 1975.
* Robert Glaser, University Professor of Psychology and Education and Director Emeritus, Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh: 1975.
* Louise Glück, Poet, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Preston S. Parish '41 Third Century Lecturer in English, Williams College: 1975, 1987.
* Gail K. Godwin, Writer, Woodstock, New York: 1975.
* Frank William Gohlke, Photographer, Southborough, Massachusetts: 1975, 1984.
* Alvin Ira Goldman, Regents' Professor of Philosophy, University of Arizona: 1975.
* Brian Erich Goode, Professor of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook: 1975.
* Leslie David Gottlieb, Professor of Genetics, University of California, Davis: l975.
* Peter Leonard Gourfain, Artist, Brooklyn, New York: 1975.
* Ernest Grunwald, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Brandeis University: 1975.
* Charles Vernon Hamilton, Wallace S. Sayre Professor Emeritus of Government, Columbia University: 1975.
* Harriett Bloker Hawkins, deceased.Senior Reasarch Fellow, Linacue College, Oxford: 1975.
* Robert F. Heinecken, Photographer, Chicago, Illinois; Emeritus Professor of Art, University of California, Los Angeles: 1975.
* Josephine Gattuso Hendin, Professor of English, New York University: 1975.
* John B. Henneman, Jr, deceased.History Bibliographer, Princeton University: 1975.
* Heinrich Dieter Holland, Harry C. Dudley Professor of Economic Geology, Harvard University: 1975.
* Anne Hollander, Writer, New York City: 1975.
* David J. Hooson, Professor of Geography and Dean of Social Sciences, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* James Richard Houck, Kenneth A. Wallace Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University: 1975.
* Wu-chung Hsiang, Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University: 1975.
* Ray Huang, Scholar, New Paltz, New York: 1975.
* Michael Craig Hudson, Professor of International Relations and Government; Seif Ghobash Professor of Arab Studies, Georgetown University: 1975.
* Richard Norman Hunt, Deceased. German & East European History: 1975.
* Albert F. Innaurato, Playwright, New York City: 1975.
* Glynn Llywelyn Isaac, Deceased. Anthropology: 1975.
* Ellen Hulda Elizabeth Johnson, Deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1975.
* George McTurnan Kahin, A. L. Binenkorb Professor Emeritus of International Studies and Professor of Government, Cornell University: 1975.
* Emil Thomas Kaiser, Deceased. Chemistry: 1975.
* Aristodimos Kaldis, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1975, 1977.
* Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Class of 1960 Professor of Business Administration, Harvard University: 1975.
* Justin Kaplan, Writer, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1975.
* Walter Bernard Karp, Deceased. General Nonfiction: 1975.
* Nicholas M. Katz, Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University: 1975, 1987.
* Peter Bain Kenen, Ph.D Walker Professor of Economics and International Finance, Princeton University: 1975.
* David M. Kennedy, Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History, Stanford University: 1975.
* Edith Kern, Doris Silbert Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature, Smith College: 1975.
* Lewis Martin Killian, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst: 1975.
* Martin Luther Kilson, Frank G. Thomson Professor of Government, Harvard University: 1975.
* Abraham Klein, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania: 1975.
* Philip Kolb, Deceased. French Literature: 1975.
* Aileen S. Kraditor, Professor Emeritus of History, Boston University: 1975.
* Masatake Kuranishi, Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University: 1975.
* Robin T. Lakoff, Professor of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* Gerd Neustadter La Mar, Director, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility; Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Davis: 1975.
* Joseph P. LaSalle, Deceased. Applied Science: 1975.
* Steven Lattimore, Associate Professor of Classics and Classical Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles: 1975.
* Erastus Henry Lee, The Rosalind and John J. Redfern, Jr, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University; Redfern Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: 1975.
* Peter H. Lee, Professor of Korean and Comparative Literature, University of California, Los Angeles: 1975.
* Arthur Allen Leff, Deceased. Law: 1975.
* Michael Lekakis, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1975.
* William E. Leuchtenburg, William Rand Kenan Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 1975.
* Brian Paul Levack, John Green Regents Professor of History, University of Texas at Austin: 1975.
* Donald A. Levin, Professor of Botany, University of Texas at Austin: 1975.
* Baruch Abraham Levine, Skirball Professor of Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, New York University: 1975.
* Leon Levinstein, Deceased. Photography: 1975.
* Donald Harris Levy, Professor of Chemistry, University of Chicago: 1975.
* Norman Wilfred Lewis, Deceased. Fine Arts-Painting: 1975.
* Philip Magdalany, Deceased. Drama: 1975.
* George Malko, Screenwriter, New York City: 1975.
* Stephen A. Marglin, Walter S. Barber Professor of Economics, Harvard University: 1975.
* Arthur Francis Marotti, Professor of English, Wayne State University: 1975.
* Kenneth R. Maxwell, Senior Fellow for Inter-American Studies, and Director, Latin American Program, Council on Foreign Relations, New York City: 1975.
* Robert A. McCaughey, Professor of History, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, Barnard College, Columbia University: 1975.
* Richard Alan McCray, George Gamow Distinguished Professor of Astrophysics, University of Colorado: 1975.
* Sally McLendon, Professor of Anthropology, Hunter College and Graduate Center, City University of New York: 1975.
* Donald A. McQuarrie, Retired Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Davis: 1975.
* Clement Lyon Meadmore, Artist: 1975.
* William Meredith, Poet; Henry B. Plant Professor Emeritus of English, Connecticut College: 1975.
* H. C. Erik Midelfort, Professor of History, University of Virginia: 1975.
* Jan Miel, Emeritus Professor of Letters and Romance Languages and Literatures, Wesleyan University: 1975.
* David H. Miles, Associate Professor of German and Member of the Center for Advanced Studies, University of Virginia: 1975.
* William Hughes Miller, Kenneth S. Pitzer Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* Frederick Milstein, Professor of Materials and Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara: 1975.
* Roger Edward Mitchell, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: 1975.
* Frank Francis Peter Mouris, Film Maker, Nassau, New York: 1975.
* John Emery Murdoch, Professor of the History of Science, Harvard University: 1975.
* Bruce Churchill Murray, Professor of Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology: 1975.
* Bernard Quinn Nietschmann, Deceased. Geography: 1975.
* Anthony Richard Oberschall, Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 1975.
* Tillie Olsen, Writer, Berkeley, California: 1975.
* John William O'Malley, Distinguished Professor of Church History, Weston School of Theology, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1975.
* Alfonso Alex Ortiz, Deceased. Anthropology: 1975.
* George Frederick Oster, Professor of Entomology, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* John Milan Palka, Professor of Zoology, University of Washington: 1975.
* Roy Harvey Pearce, Professor of American Literature, University of California, San Diego: 1975.
* John Richard Perry, Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University: 1975.
* Tommy L. Phillips, Professor of Plant Biology and Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 1975.
* Philip Alan Pincus, Professor of Engineering Materials and Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara: 1975.
* David Edwin Pingree, Professor of the History of Mathematics, Brown University: 1975.
* Michael P. Predmore, Professor of Spanish, Stanford University: 1975.
* David Rabinowitch, Artist, New York City: 1975.
* Dabbala Rajagopal Reddy, Professor of Computer Science, Director of The Robotics Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University: 1975.
* Ishmael Scott Reed, Writer, Oakland, California; Senior Lecturer, University of California-Berkeley: 1975.
* Robert C. Richardson, F. R. Newman Professor of Physics, Cornell University: 1975, 1982.
* Joseph Neill Riddel, Deceased. American Literature: 1975.
* Stephen Alan Ross, Franco Modigliani Professor of Economics and Finance, Yale University: 1975.
* Richard Hunter Rouse, Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles: 1975.
* Margit Ruth Rowell, Curator of Special Projects, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain: 1975.
* Lloyd Irving Rudolph, Professor of Political Science and the Social Sciences, University of Chicago: 1975.
* Robert D. Sack. Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison: 1975.
* Jun John Sakurai, Deceased. Physicist: 1975.
* Jack R. Salamanca, Writer, Professor of English, University of Maryland: 1975.
* Nora Sayre, Writer, New York City: 1975.
* Richard Schechner, Theatre Director; University Professor and Professor of Performance Studies, New York University: 1975.
* Robert Tod Schimke, American Cancer Society Research Professor of Biology, Stanford University: 1975.
* Thayer Scudder, Professor of Anthropology, California Institute of Technology: 1975.
* John Roger Searle, Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* Gino Claudio Segrè, Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania: 1975.
* Leon Eugene Seltzer, Deceased. Law and Bibliography: 1975.
* Allen I. Selverston, Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of California, San Diego: 1975.
* Donna E. Shalala, Secretary of Health & Human Services, U. S. Government: 1975
* Susan Sheehan, Writer, Washington, D.C.: 1975.
* Richard M. Shiffrin, Luther Dana Waterman Professor of Psychology, Indiana University: 1975.
* Stephen E. Shore, Photographer; Susan Weber Soros Professor in the Arts, Bard College: 1975.
* James F. Short, Jr., Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Director, Social Research Center, Washington State University: 1975.
* Joseph Ivor Silk, Associate Professor of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* Bennett Simon, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School: 1975.
* Pril Smiley, Composer; Retired Director, Columbia University Electronic Music Center, New York: 1975.
* Hamilton O. Smith, Professor of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine: 1975.
* Peter H. Smith, Professor of Political Science; Simon Bolivar Professor of Latin American Studies, University of California, San Diego: 1975.
* Paul Michael Sniderman, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University: 1975.
* Robert R. Sokal, Distinguished Professor of Ecology and Evolution, State University of New York at Stoney Brook: 1975, 1983.
* Otto Thomas Solbrig, Bussey Professor of Biology, Harvard University: 1975.
* Andrew Michael Spence, Dean, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University: 1975.
* Alan B. Spitzer, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Iowa: 1975.
* Franklin William Stahl, American Cancer Society Research Professor of Molecular Genetics, University of Oregon: 1975, 1985.
* Kurt Stone, Deceased. Music Editor: 1975.
* Michelle Stuart, Artist, New York City: 1975.
* Morton Subotnick, Composer; Member of the Faculty, School of Music, California Institute of the Arts: 1975.
* Muttaiya Sundaralingam, Professor, Ohio Eminent Scholar, Ohio State University: 1975.
* Dana F. Sutton, Professor of Classics, University of California, Irvine: 1975.
* Marc Jerome Swartz, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego: 1975.
* Robert Lee Switzer, Sid Richardson Foundation Regents Chair, Professor of Physics, University of Texas at Austin: 1975.
* Wilson Hon-Chung Tang, Professor and Associate Head of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 1975.
* Leonardo Tarán, Jay Professor of Greek and Latin Languages, Columbia University: 1975.
* Lewis G. Tilney, Robert Strausz-Hupé Term Professor of Biology, University of Pennsylvania: 1975.
* Marvin Torffield, Artist, New York City: 1975.
* Stephen E. Toulmin, Henry R. Luce Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California: 1975.
* Teddy Gene Traylor, Deceased. Chemistry: 1975.
* William M. Tuttle, Jr., Professor of History and American Studies, University of Kansas: 1975.
* Geerat J. Vermeij, Professor of Geology, University of California, Davis: 1975.
* Linda C. Wagner-Martin, Hanes Professor of English, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC: 1975. Appointed as Wagner, Linda C.
* Michael Walzer, Professor and Permanent Member, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton: 1975.
* Harold Wesley Watts, Emeritus Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Columbia University: 1975.
* William George Wegman, Artist, New York City: 1975, 1987.
* Jeffrey George Weiss, Playwright, New York City: 1975.
* William Wertenbaker, Writer, Greens Farms, Connecticut: 1975.
* Norman Keith Wessells, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Oregon: 1975.
* Claud Kern Wildenthal, President and Professor of Physiology and Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas: 1975.
* Lawrence Wilets, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Washington: 1975.
* Joy Williams, Writer, Tucson, Arizona: 1975.
* Kenneth L. Williamson, Mary E. Woolley Professor of Chemistry, Mount Holyoke College: 1975.
* Edward O. Wilson, Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science and Curator in Entomology, Harvard University: 1975.
* Fred Huffman Wilt, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California, Berkeley: 1975.
* Andrew Wojcicki, Professor of Chemistry, Ohio State University: 1975.
* Eugene K. Wolf, Class of 1965 Term Professor (Emeritus) of Music, University of Pennsylvania: 1975.
* Peter H. Wood, Associate Professor of History, Duke University: 1975.
* William Barry Wood, Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado: 1975.
* Charles Penzel Wright, Jr., Poet, Souder Family Professor of English, University of Virginia: 1975.
* Robert Milton Young, Film Maker, Los Angeles, California: 1975.

1975 Latin American and Caribbean Fellows

* Carlos Eduardo Alchourrón, Deceased. Professor of Philosophy and Law, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: 1975.
* Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Photographer, Mexico City: 1975.
* Guillermo Araya-Goubet, Deceased. Spanish Literature: 1975.
* Enrique Bacigalupo, Lawyer, Madrid, Spain: 1975.
* Mario Costa Barberena, Professor of Vertebrate Paleontology, Institute of Geosiences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul: 1975.
* Eugenio Bulygin, Professor of Jurisprudence, National University of La Plata; Associate Professor of the Philosophy of Law, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: 1975.
* Samuel Claro-Valdes, deceased.Professor of Musicology, Catholic University of Chile: 1975.
* Germán Colmenares, Professor of History, University of Valle, Cali, Colombia: 1975.
* Felipe Ehrenberg Enriquez, Artist, Mexico, D.F.: 1975.
* Ezequiel Luis Gallo, Research Historian, Torcuato Di Tella Institute, Buenos Aires; Senior Researcher, University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires: 1975.
* Alberto Juajibioy Chindoy, Curator, University Museum, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia: 1975.
* Luc-Toni Kuhn Martin, Film Maker, Mexico, D.F., Mexico: 1975.
* Ana Maria Martirena-Mantel, Professor of International Economics, University of Buenos Aires; Senior Economist, Center for Economic Research, Torcuato di Tella Institute, Buenos Aires: 1975.
* Lorena Mirambell, President, Council of Archaeology; Chairman, Department of Prehistory, National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico, D.F., Mexico: 1975.
* Jaime Alberto Moguilevsky, Professor of Physiology, University of Buenos Aires Medical School: 1975.
* Edgar Negret, Sculptor, Bogotá, Colombia: 1975.
* Sergio Machado Rezende, Professor of Physics, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil: 1975.
* Domingo M. Rivarola, Director, Paraguayan Center for Sociological Studies, Asuncion: 1975.
* Catalina A. Rotunno, Director, Department of Biophysics, Albert Einstein Center of Medical Research, Buenos Aires: 1975.
* Gustavo Sainz, Writer; Professor of Spanish, Indiana University: 1975.
* Severo Sarduy, Deceased. Fiction: 1975.
* Aron Simis, Professor of Mathematics, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil: 1975.
* Carlos Bruno Suárez, Career Investigator, National Research Council of Argentina; Assistant Professor of Physics, National University of La Plata: 1975.
* Héctor N. Torres, Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Buenos Aires; Director, INGEBI-CONICET; Career Scientist, National Research Council, Argentina: 1975.
* Ivany Ferraz Marques Válio, Professor of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas, Brazil: 1975.
* José J. Villamil, Professor of Planning, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras: 1975.

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