

"For the Jazz musician known by the nickname "Trane", see John Coltrane"

company_name = Trane Inc.
company_type = Subsidiary of Ingersoll Rand
foundation = 1913 as The Trane Company
2007 (reincorporated as successor to American Standard Companies)
location = Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
key_people = Frederic M. Poses, Chairman & CEO
num_employees = 29,000 (2007)
industry = General Building Materials
products = HVAC equipment
revenue = profit$10.264 billion USD (2005)
operating_income = profit$875.400 million USD (2005)
net_income = profit$556.300 million USD (2005)
slogan = It's hard to stop a Trane.
homepage = []

Trane Inc. is a subsidiary of Ingersoll Rand and is the successor company to the American Standard Companies. It is a global provider of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and building management systems and controls under the Trane and American Standard brand names. Its offerings include service and parts support and financial solutions.

Trane has offices, service operations, joint ventures and manufacturing facilities around the world. Trane has its international headquarters in Piscataway, New Jersey.


In 1885, James Trane opened his own store.

Reuben Trane, James' son, earned a mechanical engineering degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and joined his father's plumbing firm. In 1913, James and Reuben incorporated The Trane Company.

By 1916, the Tranes were no longer in the plumbing business, but rather were focusing their attention on manufacturing heating products. Reuben conceived the idea of the first convector radiator in 1925 which replaced the heavy, bulky, cast-iron radiators that prevailed at the time. Trane's first air conditioning unit was developed in 1931.

In 1984, Trane was acquired by American Standard Inc., and became a fixture in the American Standard Companies business. Following a leveraged buyout in 1988, American Standard returned as a publicly held corporation in 1995. [ [ History of Trane 2004.p65 ] ]

Break up of American Standard

On February 1, 2007, American Standard Companies announced it would break up its three divisions. The company sold off its namesake kitchen and bath division and spun off WABCO, American Standard's vehicle controls division, while retaining The Trane Company. American Standard then renamed itself Trane Inc. effective November 28, 2007. [ [ Trane - News Release ] ] [ [ La Crosse Tribune - 7.0 : Area leaders optimistic about companys name change, but none predict that the headquarters will return to city ] ]

Acquisition by Ingersoll Rand

On December 17, 2007, Trane announced it had agreed to be acquired by Hamilton, Bermuda-based Ingersoll Rand in a cash and stock transaction. [ [ Trane : Ingersoll Rand To Acquire Trane ] ] [ [ La Crosse Tribune - 7.0 : Ingersoll-Rand to buy Trane for $10.1 billion ] ] [ [ La Crosse Tribune - 7.0 : Reaction to Trane sale cautious; mayor disappointed ] ] [ [ La Crosse Tribune - 7.0 : Union: New owner good fit for Trane ] ] The sale was completed on June 5, 2008. [] [ [ Ingersoll Rand - Ingersoll Rand Completes Acquisition of Trane ] ]

Manufacturing Locations

Commercial Products Manufacturing Locations

*Bangkok, Thailand
*Cairo, Egypt
*Charlotte, North Carolina
*Charmes, France
*Clarksville, Tennessee
*Colchester, England
*Columbia, South Carolina
*Forsyth, Georgia
*Fort Smith, Arkansas
*Golbey, France
*La Crosse, Wisconsin
*Lexington, Kentucky
*Lynn Haven, Florida
*Macon, Georgia
*Penang, Malaysia
*Pueblo, Colorado
*Rockingham, North Carolina
*Rushville, Indiana
*Sao Paulo, Brazil
*Springhill, Louisiana
*St. Paul, Minnesota
*Taicang, China
*Yangmei,Taoyuan, Taiwan
*Waco, Texas

Residential Products Manufacturing Locations

*Fort Smith, Arkansas
*Monterrey, Mexico
*Trenton, New Jersey
*Tyler, Texas
*Vidalia, Georgia


External links

* [ Trane Website]
* [ American Standard HVAC Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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