Big Brother (Belgium)

Big Brother (Belgium)

Big Brother Belgium is a television Series produced my Endemol. It has had a total of 9 seasons 6-"Main", 2-"VIP" & 1-"All Stars"

The First Season aired in 2000

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Big Brother 1 started on 3th September 2000 and finished 17th December 2000 with a total duration of 106 days.

fnb|13 Bert's Nominations were voided after he did not give sufficient reasons. When Jolie was Ejected for rule-breaking the Eviction for this Week was cancelled.
fnb|14 All the girls (Anick, Bianca, Ester, Heidi & Sabrina) were automatically Nominated for Eviction after losing a task against the boys. During Nominations Housemates were only allowed to Nominate male Housemates to join the females in the Nomination line-up. Bert, Davy, Hanz & Kelly were Nominated, but Bert won Immunity.
fnb|15 Bert, Davy, Hanz & Filip were automatically Nominated this Week after they failed their part in the task. During Nominations Housemates could not Nominate any of these Housemates.
fnb|16 This Week the Public Nominated and the Housemates Evicted. Bianca, Davy and Hanz received the most Votes and face the Housemate Vote. As the vote was a draw between Davy and Hanz, the Housemate with the highest percentage of Public Votes of the two would be Evicted. Hanz was the least popular of the two and was hence Evicted.
fnb|17 The Public Nominated Bert, Davy and Heidi and the Housemates chose to Evict Bert. From now on all Evictions will be done this way.

All Stars Season 1

Big Brother All Stars 1 started on 31st August 2003, with twelve past Housemates from the previous seasons, and finished 20th September 2003 with a total duration of 21 days.

fnb|23 On Day 1 Sandra was given a secret mission to become the most hated Housemate and receive the most Nominations from her fellow Housemates at the first round of Nominations. She abandoned her mission and hence failed, and as punishment was automatically up for the Public Vote. During the first round of Nominations only the Housemates from the Secret Room were eligible to Nominate (Evi, Javier and Kathleen).
fnb|24 Each Week the Big Boss cannot Nominate, but reserves the right to change the Nominations if they like, or alternatively leave them unchanged.
fnb|25 Housemates Nominated three Housemates this Week.

VIP Season 2

Big Brother VIP 2 took place over 10 days during end August - beginning September 2006, the events were kept secret. Each of the 10 days were shown in 10 weekly episodes starting from 12th October 2006 to 28th December 2006. started on 4th April 2001 and finished 14th April 2001 with a total duration of 11 days.

12 VIP Housemates entered the Big Brother Belgium House. They will stay for a maximum of 10 days. Each day for the first 9 days a Housemate will be evicted until there is a final 3.

At the start of each day there will be a competition, the winner will be Big Boss for the day. The Big Boss will have access to the loft and will not have to take part in the food competition.

Nominations will then take place. Each Housemate must nominate 2 other Housemates who they want to be evicted. The Big Boss is not allowed to nominate. The 2 or more Housemates with the most nominations will be up for eviction.

In this edition, it is the Big Boss who decides which of the nominees is to be evicted, there is no public vote.

The 12 celebrities are Afi (singer), An (model), Cynthia (Miss Belgium), David (Actor), Ingrid (Olympic Judo gold medalist), Ivan (journalist), Javier (BB5 Housemate & former boyband member), Jo (cyclist), Petra (singer), Pim (Star Academy finalist), Tim (Temptation Island contestant) & Vandana (model).

Petra and Javier were in a relationship together for over 2 years. When Petra saw that Javier was in the House she immediately wanted to leave. She said that she would not spend the night in the same House as Javier. The other Housemates tried unsuccessfully to change her mind.

Petra voluntarily left the House less than an hour after she entered. This is the shortest stay by a Housemate in Big Brother world history.

Each Day a competition is held to determine the Head of Household. After the rest of the Housemates Nominate the two or more Housemates with the most Nominations face Eviction - which is decided by the Head of Household.
The Head of Household competitions were as follows:
Day 1: The Housemates who could stay the longest inside a spinning tumble dryer. The winner Javier with 7m 26s, but this did not count as after Petra left the House the Eviction of that night was cancelled.
Day 2: The Housemate who could sing the loudest. Won by David with a recording of 111.7 decibels.
Day 3: The winner of the competition was the Housemate who could knock the most skittles out of a cupboard. Pim knocked out the most with 10.
Day 4: The competition was a game of fast reactions. Jo and Pim made it through to the final with Jo winning.
Day 5: The Housemates had to perform a ski-run and ring the bell above the pool in the quickest time. An rang the bell in 1 minute 52 seconds and wins the competition.
Day 6: The Housemates had to take part in a Limbo Dancing competition. Cynthia was the winner.
Day 7: The Housemates had to play bowls with pints of beer and Ingrid was the winner.
Day 8: The Housemates had a boxing competition with giant boxing gloves and Jo was the winner.
Day 9: The Housemates had to last the longest in a tub full of cold water and ice, and Ivan was the winner.
FINAL Day 10 (Part 1): Housemates had to last as long as possible in a dark "fearcage". Cynthia decided not to go into the cage at all and therefore lasted the shortest with 0 seconds.
FINAL Day 10 (Part 2):In the final competition Jo and Pim had to answer questions on events from the show. Each time they got a question wrong they lost a point, the person that lost all their points would be the runner-up. Jo lost all his points and Pim still had 4 points left. Jo was dropped into the water and Pim was the winner.

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Big Brother 6 started on 7th March 2007 and finished 4th June 2007 with a total duration of 90 days. 12 Housemates entered the House on Day 1.

Most of the Housemates know another Housemate. Their Relationships are:

Mario & Dimitri - Father & Son by Adoption
Ginie & Nathalie - Cousins
Kevin & Virginie - Married
Evelien & Hanne - Sisters
Benjamin & Martin - Work Colleagues & Friends

10 of them entered the Main House, but Diana and Mutz entered the loft upstairs. The Housemates in the Main House do not know that Diana and Mutz are in the loft, however the loft inhabitants can watch the Main House on a TV screen. On Day 2 Astird & Nicholas entered - Nicholas being Diana's ex-partner, and Astrid and Mutz being complete strangers who must pretend to know each other.

Naomi and Roberto later entered the House to replace cousine Ginie & Nathalie who left the House Voluntarily. They did not know each other but had to work together as a couple during the Nominations.

The Nominated Housemates face the Public Vote to save/evict, with the Housemate(s) with the most evict votes (once save votes have been deducted) being Evicted. Voting percentages throughout the show are not made Public.

Nominations Table

fnb|1 Housemates Nominated in their pairs - however, they could Nominate individual Housemates, not the whole couples. Evelin & Hanne were elected "Big Boss" by their fellow Housemates - they therefore could not Nominate, but could be Nominated. Astrid and Kevin received the most Nominations and faced the Public Vote; as Big Boss Evelin had the chance to save a nominee and replace them with someone else, but she chose to leave them as they are.
fnb|2In a surprise extra eviction on Day 20, the female Housemates had to choose as a group a male Housemate to be evicted. They narrowed it down to Dimitri, Mario or Mutz and eventually chose Mutz. On Day 23, in another surprise extra eviction, the Housemates had to choose another male Housemate to be evicted. Firstly, the female Housemates had to choose 3 male Housemates to save. They chose Dimitri, Martin, and Benjamin. Then Dimitri, Martin, and Benjamin had to choose which of the remaining 3 males, Mario, Nicolas or Roberto, to evict. Dimitri insisted that his father Mario be saved, and so the choice would be either Nicolas or Roberto. They chose to evict Roberto.
fnb|3 In a world first the Housemates were divided into two groups - and the Groups faced Eviction against one another. On Day 27 Group 1 - consisting of Astrid, Benjamin, Demitiri, Mario and Naimoi were Evicted together and replaced by six brand new Housemates - Dennis, Hedrik, Johan, Nathalie S, Teres and Veronique - of which Johan and Nathalie S were moles working from Big Brother. The quintuple Eviction happened after falling ratings and complaints that the current Housemates were boring.
fnb|4 In this round of Nominations the Housemates were split into two teams - of the New Housemates and Group 2, the survivors of last Week's multiple Eviction. Each team had to choose one Housemate from the opposing group to face the Public Vote. The Originals chose Hendrik and the Newbies chose Virginie.
fnb|5 Johan & Nathalie S are moles and therefore cannot Nominate, nor be up for Eviction; any Nominations they receive do not count - however, the Housemates were told that they did face the Public Vote. Diana & Nicholas and Evelien & Hanne, as the only surviving couples Nominated together, the rest of the Housemates Nominated as individuals. Martin & Veronique were Big Boss this Week and could not Nominate, but could be Nominated.
fnb|6 John & Nathalie S are moles working for Big Brother and cannot Nominate, nor be Nominated or Evicted. Diana & Nicholas were "Big Boss" and could not Nominated, but could be Nominated. Evelien & Hanne Nominated as a couple bout could be Nominated individually.
fnb|7 This Week Housemates had to Nominate three Housemates to face the Public Vote. Dennis was "Big Boss" and therefore could not Nominate, but could be Nominated. John & Nathalie S are moles and therefore cannot be Nominated or Evicted. Evelien & Hanne were the last couple left, and Nominated together.
fnb|8 John & Nathalie S, the Big Brother Moles, left the House when their specified times came to an end. In this Week's Nominations Evelien & Hanne Nominated together as the last of the couples. There was no "Big Boss" this Week as the Big Boss was Nathalie S, but she left the House before the Nominations took place.
fnb|9 Shortly after Veronique's Eviction Martin answered the Hot Phone and won Immunity to the final. He therefore could not Nominated or be Nominated this Week. Martin was "Big Boss" and therefore could not Nominate, but could be Nominated.
fnb|10 All final four Housemates automatically faced the Public Vote to win.


*Total amount of days on air: 628 days
*Total amount of housemates: 130 Housemates
*Shortest stay in the house: Petra - less than 1 Hour
*Total amount of voluntary exits: 13 Housemate
*Total amount of ejections: 2 Housemates
*Housemate most times nominated: 7 Heidi, Big Brother 3

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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