Ivan Mykolaychuk

Ivan Mykolaychuk

Ivan Mykolaychuk "also spelled Mikolajchuk" ( _uk. Іван Миколайчук) (15 June 1941 – 3 August 1987) was a Ukrainian actor, producer, and screen writer.

He is best known for playing the Hutsul Ivan in "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (Тіні забутих предків) (1964), based on Mykhaylo Kotsyubynsky's book of the same name. He received the Komsomol prize of Ukraine in 1967, and the title of "Honoured Artist of the Ukrainian SSR" in 1968. He posthumously received the Taras Shevchenko prize.

His films were often controversial and suppressed by the Soviet authorities; sometimes his films were banned from being screened by the KGB.

Mykolaychuk died in August 1987 at the age of 47. His house in Chortoriya has since been turned into a museum. He left a lasting legacy on Ukrainian film. Many consider him to be the greatest actor in the history of Ukrainian Cinematography. He also inspired other Ukrainian artists, actors, singers and writers who were searching for their Ukrainian identity in the Soviet era.


*1964 - The Dream ("Сон"), actor
*1964 - Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors ("Тіні забутих предків"), actor
*1965 - The Viper ("Гадюка"), actor
*1966 - Wild Grass("Бур'ян"), actor
*1967 - Two Deathes ("Дві смерті"), actor
*1967 - Kyiv's melodies "Київські мелодії", actor
*1968 - The Mistake of Honoré de Balzac ("Помилка Оноре де Бальзака"), actor
*1968 - Annitchka ("Анничка"), actor
*1968 - The Stone Cross ("Камінний хрест"), actor
*1968 - Scouts ("Розвідники"), actor
*1970 - White bird with black spot ("Білий птах з чорною ознакою"), screen writer, actor
*1970 - Commisars ("Комісари"), actor
*1971 - I Go To You ("Іду до тебе"), actor
*1971 - Lada from Berendeys' Land ("Лада з країни Берендеїв"), actor
*1971 - Zakhar Berkut (or Zakhar The Golden Eagle) ("Захар Беркут"), actor
*1972 - Contrary to Everything"Наперекір усьому", actor
*1972 - The Lost Deed ("Пропала грамота"), actor
*1973 - A Novella About a Woman ("Повість про жінку"), actor
*1973 - When Human Laughed ("Коли людина посміхнулась"), actor
*1974 - Marina ("Марина"), actor
*1974 - To Dream and To Live ("Мріяти і жити"), screen writer
*1975 - The Channel ("Канал"), actor
*1976 - September is troubled month ("Тривожний місяць вересень"), actor
*1977 - The Unsociable man ("Відлюдько"), screen writer
*1978 - The Sea ("Море"), actor
*1978 - Under the Twins' Sign ("Під сузір'ям Близнюків"), screen writer
*1979 - Babel XX ("Вавілон ХХ"), actor, composer, producer, screen writer
*1980 - The Forest's song. Mavka ("Лісова пісня. Мавка"), actor
*1981 - So late and warm autumn ("Така пізня, така тепла осінь"), actor, producer, screen writer
*1982 - The Return of Batterfly ("Повернення Баттерфляй"), actor
*1983 - The Legend of Olga The Princess ("Легенда про княгиню Ольгу"), actor
*1983 - Mirgorod and its people ("Миргород та його мешканці"), actor
*1986 - And memory will recall in the sounds ("І в звуках пам'ять відгукнеться..."), screen writer
*1989 - Fables about Ivan ("Небилиці про Івана"), screen writer


* [http://www.kinokolo.ua/cyclopedia/person.php/371 List of films]
* [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0586645/ IMDB Biography]
* [http://www.ukraine-observer.com/articles/217/811 Biography]
* [http://www.share.net.ua/content/view/90/34/ Українська Шара]

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