- The Trigon Disunity
"The Trigon Disunity" is a series of three books written by
science fiction authorMichael P. Kube-McDowell . "Emprise" was aPhilip K. Dick Award nominee. The first edition covers were by Ron Miller.
*"Emprise" (1985, ISBN 0-425-07763-2) : The world has been devastated by the Food and Fuel Wars turning once-powerful nations into loose groupings of isolated farming communities. Barter has replaced currency, and scientists — blamed for the world's misery — areburned at the stake . Hidden in theIdaho hills, astronomer Allen Chandliss struggles to maintain his primitive radio telescope, listening in secret for signs of the intelligent life, which may be the only hope to improve things on Earth. After seventeen years a repeating signal is received from Cassiopeia. He manages to send a message to a group of scientists in England. The race is on to decode the signal and then find the resources to respond to it...
*"Enigma" (1986, ISBN 0-425-08767-0) : Set 150 years after the events of the first book, the 'aliens' turned out to be human and considered themselves to have been colonised from Earth in the distant past. The Unified Space Survey has been established to make contact with other remnants of the first colonisation and to determined what happened to it...
*"Empery" (1987, ISBN 0-425-09887-7): The catastrophe that befell the first human interstellar civilisation has been explained; destroyed by the alien Mizari from a black star in theUrsa Major cluster. But as the new galactic empire is formed the threat of the all-powerful Mizari remains...External links
* [http://www.sff.net/people/K-Mac/emprise.htm Official website]
* [http://www.hatrack.com/osc/reviews/f&sf/87-08.html#empery Reviews] byOrson Scott Card
* [http://scifi-guy.com/7/emprise-by-michael-p-kube-mcdowell Emprise Review]
* [http://scifi-guy.com/20/enigma-book-two-of-the-trigon-disunity-by-michael-p-kube-mcdowell Enigma Review]
* [http://scifi-guy.com/46/michael-p-kube-mcdowells-empery-science-fiction-novel Empery Review]
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