

Infobox Film
name = Rog

image_size =
caption =
director = Himanshu Brahmbhatt
producer = Pooja Bhatt
writer = Mahesh Bhatt
story =
dialogue =
starring = Irfan Khan
Himanshu Malik
music = M.M. Kreem
lyrics =
cinematography = Anshuman Mahaley
editing = Akiv Ali
distributor =
released = 2005
runtime =
country = IND
language = Hindi
imdb_id = 0443208

"Rog" (Hindi: रोग, Urdu: روگ, translation: "malady") is a 2005 Hindi film starring Irfan Khan,Ilene Hamann, directed by Himanshu Brahmbhatt, written by Mahesh Bhatt and produced by Pooja Bhatt.


This movie is a remake of the 1944 Hollywood movie "Laura".

A Mumbai Court has summoned producer of the film Pooja Bhatt,in response to a case filed by a person pressing the charges of obscenity and lewd behavior, due to the production stills of Ilene Hamann, wearing short and skimpy clothes.

External links


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