Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)

Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)

Motivated by the United Nations (UN) decision to declare 2008 as International Year of Sanitation (IYS), a core group of organisations active in the field of sustainable sanitation took the initiative to form a task force to support the IYS. In order to have a joint label for the planned activities, and to be able to align with other potential initiatives, the group formed theSustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)”.

A joint road map of sustainable sanitation related activities for the IYS was developed in the first two meetings of the alliance by participants from more than 30 multi- and bilateral organisations, NGOs and research institutions. The roadmap consists mainly of a series of thematic working groups that will jointly elaborate a range of publications on sustainable sanitation issues, will organise or contribute to international events and will contribute to develop new funding instruments as well as sustainable sanitation capacity building and program initiatives.

SuSanA is not a new organisation, but rather a loose network of organisations working along the same lines, and open to others who want to join and be active in the promotion of sustainable sanitation systems. The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance invites other international, regional and local organisations to join the network, contribute ideas, and to become active members in the thematic working groups. Feedback for the advancement of the joint road map is certainly appreciated, as it is work in progress that will be continuously up-dated, and will include all joint activities leading towards an increased implementation of sustainable sanitation systems.


The overall goal of the SuSanA is to contribute to the achievement of the MDGs by promoting sanitation systems which are taking into consideration all aspects of sustainability (health, environment & natural resources, technology & operation, financial & economic issues, socio-cultural & institutional aspects). The MDGs and the UNsInternational Year of Sanitation 2008are highly appreciated by theSustainable Sanitation Allianceas they help push sanitation high up in the political agenda. The main focus of the work of the SuSanA will be to promote the implementation of sustainable sanitation systems in large scale water and sanitation programmes, in line with the strategies proposed e.g. by WHO, UNDP-PEP, UNSGAB, and UNESCO.

General objectives of the SuSanA are therefore:

* to raise awareness around the globe of what sustainable sanitation approaches are and to promote them massively;
* to highlight how important sustainable sanitation systems are as a precondition to achieve a whole series of MDGs (e.g. to reduce child mortality, to promote gender equity and empower women, to ensure environmental sustainability, to improve livelihood, and to reduce poverty);
* to show that sanitation projects must be planned with participation of all stakeholders at an early stage, must respond to the initiative and preferences of the users, and that these need to go hand in hand with hygiene promotion and capacity building activities for sustainable water and wastewater management.

Specific activities of the SuSanA are:

* to collect and compile information which will assist decision makers (including the civil society) to assess different sanitation systems and technologies with regard to the full range of sustainability criteria so that informed decisions can be taken;
* to demonstrate that sanitation systems can contribute to reaching the MDGs beyond sanitation, and consequently present a change of paradigm from purely disposal oriented to rather reuse oriented sanitation;
* to give examples ofsmart (and less smart) practicein sanitation for theInternational Year of Sanitation 2008and beyond;
* to identify and describe the mechanism to up-scale implementation of these examples and develop new financing instruments for pro-poor sanitation provision;
* to develop global and regional visions of how sustainable approaches can be used to promptly reach the sanitation MDG and to promote them in the IYS 2008 and beyond.


Meetings held so far:
* 29./30.01.2007: Kick-off Meeting for the promotion of sustainable sanitation / ecosan within the IYS in Eschborn, Germany. Hosted by gtz.
* 16./17.04.2007: 2nd steering group meeting of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance for the promotion of sustainable sanitation within the IYS 2008 in Dübendorf, Switzerland. Hosted by Eawag/Sandec.
* 11./12.08.2007: 3rd meeting of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance in Stockholm, Sweden, just before the Stockholm Water Week. Hosted by SEI.
* 03./04.11.2007: 4th meeting of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance in Delhi, India, just after the World Toilet Summit. Hosted by IWWA and Sulabh.

Upcoming meetings:

* 16./17.02.2008: 5th meeting of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance in Durban, South Africa, attached to the Worldbank-WSP AfricaSan conference. Hosted by the Water and Research Commission, South Africa.
* ??.05.2008: 6th meeting of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance in New York, USA, in proximity to the 16th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development. Hosted by Ashoka.
* ??.08.2008: 7th meeting of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance in Stockholm, Sweden, within the frame of the Stockholm World Water Week 2008 (August 17th to 23th).


* [ AEE INTEC] - AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies (Austria)
* Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, [ Section on Applied Geography of the Tropics and Subtropics] , Freiburg i. Br. (Germany)
* Alter-Eco - Corporación Alternativas Ecológicas, Cali, Colombia
* [ Bauhaus University Weimar] , Germany
* BEWOF, Better World Foundation, Cameroon
* BGR - Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Germany)
* BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science, Vienna (Austria)
* Cap-Net - Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Management
* [ Eawag-Sandec] - Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and TechnologyDepartment of Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries
* [ ESCA] - EcoSan Club Austria
* Ecosanlac - Ecological Sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean
* EcoSanRes Programme - Ecological Sanitation Research Programme (Sweden)
* GTO - German Toilet Organization
* GTZ - German Development Cooperation Agency (Germany); [ GTZ-ecosan programme]
* IEES - International Ecological Engineering Society
* IRC - International Water and Sanitation Centre (Netherlands)
* ITAS - Institute for Technology Assessment and System Analysis (Germany)
* IWA-SG - International Water AssociationSpecialist Group on Resources Oriented Sanitation (EcoSan)
* IWWA Indian Water Works Association
* Meda-Water - Euro-Mediterranean Regional Water Programme for Local Water Management
* SEI - Stockholm Environmental Institute
* SIDA - Swedish International Development Agency
* NHN - Nature Healing Nature
* TU-Delft - Technical University of Delft
* TTZ - Technology Transfer Centre Bremerhaven (Germany)
* UEssex - University of Essex
* [ UMB] - Norwegian University for Life Science
* UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
* UNESCO-IHE - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganisationInstitute for Water Education
* [ UN-Habitat] - United Nations Human Settlements Programme
* Waste - Advisers on Urban Environment and Development (Netherlands)
* WB-WSP - Worldbank - Water and Sanitation Programme
* WECF - Women in Europe for a Common Future
* WSSCC - Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (Switzerland)
* WTC - World Toilet College
* WTO - World Toilet Organization (Singapore)
* Xavier University, [ Periurban Vegetable Project (PUVeP)] , Cagayan de Oro (Philippines)


[ Vision Statement of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance] - Towards more sustainable sanitation solutions, Version 1.2

See also

* sanitation
* ecological sanitation
* sustainable sanitation
* sewage treatment
* United Nations

External links

* [ Webpage of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance] , including information about:
* Vision Statement of the SuSanA
* Roadmap for the UN International Year of Sanitation 2008
* Minutes of the Meetings
* Work-in-progress of the different working groups
* Partners of the SuSanA

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