

name = Vandelliinae
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Siluriformes
familia = Trichomycteridae
subfamilia = Vandelliinae
subfamilia_authority = Bleeker, 1862
type_genus = "Vandellia"
type_genus_authority = Valenciennes, 1846
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Paracanthopoma"

Vandelliinae is a subfamily of catfishes (order Siluriformes) of the family Trichomycteridae. Vandelliines are hematophagous, feeding on the blood of larger fish. Members of this subfamily may be known as candirú, known for their peculiar habit of entering the human urethra. [cite book|title=Fishes of the World|last=Nelson|first=Joseph S.|publisher=John Wiley & Sons, Inc|year=2006|isbn=0-471-25031-7]

Vandelliines usually prey upon ostariophysan fishes such as pimelodids, doradids, and characins.cite journal|journal=Environmental Biology of Fishes|volume=60|pages=459–464|year=2001|title=Experiments on the feeding behavior of the hematophagous candiru, "Vandellia" cf. "plazaii"|first=Stephen|last=Spotte|coauthors=Petry, Paulo; Zuanon, Jansen A.S.|doi=10.1023/A:1011081027565] The eyes of Vandelliinae species are relatively large among catfishes, indicating that sight may be important in prey detection.


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